Monday, February 10, 2014

Time Management

Do you have a problem with time management. Are you one of those people who feels like they are going to pull their hair out and thinks there is just not enough time in the day to get things done. Ever feel like you have a million and one things to do, but how are you going to find the time to do it?
I struggled/struggle with the problem all the time, although, I must admit though I am getting better. So I figured if I struggle I am sure there are other people out there who struggle and may just need some tips to help them through and feel like there has been a little weight lifted off their shoulders.
A. Make a list of 5 categories that are important to you (1 being the most important). Once you make this list you need to start putting things in which your top five list will see the benefits from. These aren't the only things you will focus on, but if these are things you value, you want to add value in your life.
B.  Prioritize your To-Do List. It may be the most dreaded thing ever but this really cuts off unwanted wandering and straying. Link A & B so before you go to bed think of everything you have to do the next morning. Once you do that make sure you are putting list A and those priorities first. So, everything you have listed as #1 : what on your list will help you achieve that...etc.
C. Stay away from distractions. When you are working on your to-do list (and I need to get better at this) stay off social media, turn your cell phone off ; put it away. Do not be a social media stalker. It is so easy to get distracted when scrolling through Facebook, or spend hours on Pinterest...right?
D. Make Sacrifices. Everyone has the same amount of hours in the day. Some days (depending) on your list; you may need to get up earlier than usually and sometimes even stay up later. Maybe skipping your favorite TV show for a later date. And even say no to some plans in the making.
E. When you finish a task make sure you check it off the list. There is nothing better than the feeling of crossing something off your to-do list. You feel a little better knowing you are one step closer to finishing your list.
Time Management is by far one of the hardest things for some people. We get caught up in the moment. We don't realize that there is only twenty-four hours in the day. Or if we do, we do not know how to properly use it. Sometimes all we need to do is rearrange our schedule every once in a while.
If you are looking to learn a little more about Time Management and how you can better your time or come up with different ideas, I just finished reading the book called "Time Management" by Brian Tracy it is an easy read ; and highly recommended.
I hope these tips helped you! Feel free to comment below on some tips that are helping you. And if you have any questions feel free to Message Me .

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