Saturday, September 28, 2013

Compare to an ant

Before you get to judging (even though I know you already know you are) just hear me out. I am outside sitting with Dexter this morning just  listening to the birds singing, the wind blowing, collecting my thoughts, and reflecting on this past week. So much has happened over these last few months, that sometimes you just need to sit down and take a moment for yourself.

As we were sitting on the front steps watching the world on this gorgeous fall day I noticed a tiny ant out of the corner of my eye. And I noticed he was carrying or trying to carry this stick. Which mind you of course is more than half it's size. I am not kidding when I say I was just starring at him carrying this stick, because he is a very tiny ant. As I watch him I notice he is struggling. The stick falls, he stops for a moment, changes his position, and goes again. He gets it half way up and is trying to pull it up and it falls. He moves to a different position and tries again. And so on and so forth til Dexter and I walked in the back yard.

Take it one step at a time

The ONE thing I realized while watching him. Is that he NEVER GIVES UP!!!! This tiny creature has every odd stacked up against him to succeed. 


Because he is tiny. The stick is more than half his size. And to him that sick is heavy. How could he ever do it. But watching him puts it all into perspective. If he doesn't give up why should we? 

There has been something in every ones life that they have really wanted and then failed so they have just thrown in the towel and given up...correct? But why do we just give up. When things get difficult why do we automatically just put our hands up and say that's enough, no more. Is it because when things get tough we just do not want to go any further. We don't believe in ourselves 100% that we can do. We give ourselves all the reasons WHY we  can not do it. Why don't we stop giving ourselves all the reasons why we can fail and we can't do it. And start telling ourselves we CAN do it. Talking to ourselves with positive thoughts.

When the going gets tough...why quit?
Why not stick with what you started. You obviously wanted it at one point because you tried it. But don't give up. 

When the going gets tough...keep on going.  If at first you don't succeed try and try again until you do. Think of the ant before you decide to quit.  Think of how determined he was. Every time he dropped the stick, he stopped to think about his next plan of attack. How he could figure out how to bring it over the hump. 
Remember why you started, when it gets too tough don't quit. That's the first natural instinct for everyone is to get frustrated and quit. But if you always stop what you start you are never going to get anywhere. Consistency is key. Keep trying. If it doesn't work the first time, stop, evaluate where you are, and think about how you can change it, and go for it. Don't give up ever! Try and try again until you get to the finish line. You will get there. It may not work the first time around. And you may not be going down the path you thought, but it's okay to go off path. As long as you get to where you want to be. Don't be so hard on yourself. Give yourself the credit you deserve!!!

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