Thursday, September 26, 2013

MyHealth- less stress

I want to first start off with by saying HAPPY THURSDAY! 

Next, this post has NOTHING to do with beachbody, tips, promos, recipes, etc. 

I wanted to share with you a program I am going through right now with my work. This wasn't a mandatory class, it was optional. But I decided to take it to see what it could offer. Let's be honest. Who doesn't feel overwhelmed sometimes? Angered with road rage? Get so flustered you could cry? I will be the first one to tell you, that this is me. So this class is perfect. 


So for the next six week health coaches will be coming to my office building for the first time ever group setting of teaching us how to deal with stress, techniques to try, and exercises. They have taught this stress class before, but it has all be done through one on one phone calls. It will be interesting to see how the in class group goes. We are like the guinea pigs. 

Every Thursday from 12-1 we meet. We were given a workbook and each week we have to complete it for next weeks class. This is a class designed to see what causes you to stress out, how to cope with it, what works & doesn't work for you, and what other people have tried. Because it's nice to hear other peoples opinions. 

Today, was just orientation but I can already tell that this class is going to be great and filled with LOTS of information!!!!

The reason for this blog post you may ask?? Because we did a deep breathing technique before class ended. We had to rate ourselves on a scale of 1-7 (one being not stressed; seven being beyond stressed) and then describe a little how we were feeling or what was bothering you. Next, we uncrossed arms/legs, closed our eyes and did the exercise. After we were told to open our eyes we had to write a "post" technique number down and our feelings. Everyone's number dramatically dropped down ad everyone was feeling super relaxed. 

But anyways, I was thinking to myself after the exercise. If I felt so relaxed that all the thoughts in my mind before this technique were now GONE, this really worked! And it is possible to relieve some stress! If I could feel like this, than I am sure there are many people who would like feel like this. 

I decided to track my journey and keep a journal about it. That way if people want follow along they can. I can't talk about everyone's experiences, but I can talk about mine, give you the beneficial tips, the techniques to try, etc. Some dont get opportunities like this at work,but I'm really glad we do have it. Stress is a big thing out in the world today that really puts a damper on our health. 

Feel free to follow my stress less journey!! And even participate along with me.  I will post every Thursday night on what I felt was useful, not useful, and my own opinion!! If you have any questions feel free to email me

Hope your day was a great!!!! 

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