Sunday, February 22, 2015

I'm A 21 Day Fix Grad.....AGAIN!!!!

It is official as of today, I am officially a 21 day fix (the original) grad AGAIN!!!! What does that mean? It means I have committed to the program in full and just finished it up again. I completed the program when it came out back in February of last year & I was doing some workouts here and there before , but I never went in 110% like I should have. This program is mind boggling, not only does it focus on the fitness piece but it targets the nutrition one as well and lets be honest we all know most of us struggle with that piece much MORE!!!! my surprise i wasn't paying attention and it was scheduled to release when I would finish week one. I didn't want to start another round of max 30 and stop, but i also wasn't keen on doing the 21 day fix for one week. That is when I decided to commit to the 21 days and dial into my nutrition. The first time around I focused on my nutrition for the first week, then I was just doing whatever (not good....) You can see my update on round one HERE

I committed and I was finishing it again!

Nutrition is honestly just one of those things that's a HUGE struggle for me. I feel like its a mental game. I crave something, know I shouldn't have it, but sometimes I still do, and then feel terrible after. But nutrition is honestly one of those things that make or break your results. Don't get me wrong, you can still lose weight by just working out, but eventually you are going to hit a plateau & not see much progression.

80/20 Rule

I started to prep myself mentally and get my head in the game. I would write on my white board how many of each color container I was allowed to have and when I put it in my lunchbox for work I would cross it off. I am a create of habit so when I meal prep I do it for the whole week and pretty much have the same thing everyday & just switch the protein. And then for dinner I pretty much keep it simple. I find that this is what works best for me. And meal prepping/planning is one of those things that takes time so don't get frustrated if you don't have it perfect the first time. 

21 Day Fix Approved Lunch

I will tell you..... YOU WILL FAIL, IF YOU PLAN TO FAIL. 
Meaning if you aren't planning for the week you are prepping to fail.
This is only speaking from experience, since I've been planning these three weeks, I have noticed I am less likely to sneak in treats or fall off my meal plan, and it's because it's right in front of me with no guess work.

Clean Eating & Working Out get you the results!

Even if I was the lone wolf completing it by myself, here was my schedule for the next 3 weeks :

MONDAY - Total cardio fix
TUESDAY - Upper fix
WEDNESDAY - Lower fix
THURSDAY - Pilates fix
FRIDAY - Cardio fix
SATURDAY - Dirty 30

I must say I was so SORE after week one, but didn't understand why because I just completed InsanityMax 30 one of the hardest cardio programs ever. But even though this isn't as intense you are working completely different muscles. Muscles you haven't used in a while, so yes you are going to be sore.

Never Say Never

I challenged myself more. I got inside my head just like I did with Shaun T and told myself I could do more. When I wanted a break I pushed myself harder and certain exercises I used heavier weights, because the lighter ones were just to easy. And because of the changes I made, giving 110%, and sticking to my nutrition (80%) clean, I am seeing results!

Day 1 to Day 17

This program is totally worth it. It takes the guess work out of your nutrition. It opens your eyes to what you were eating, how much of it you consumed, and how much better you feel & you are full after following the portion controlled containers. This is a PERFECT program for anyone who wants to focus on nutrition. If you are a beginner , you can do this to! There is a modifier for every workout. It doesn't matter where you start.....all that matters is you START!



If you have questions about the fix or fix extreme, want to know a little bit more about a challenge group feel free to send me a message : or add me on FB and I would love to chat with you! 


My next challenge group is officially opened and I am now accepting  to join. This group will begin on March 2nd and it will be just for the 21 day fix or the fix extreme so you have options. If this has peaked please take a few minutes to fill out the challenge group application below, to be considered.


Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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