Thursday, December 18, 2014

Step Away from the Scale

That's right you heard me, put the scale down & no one gets hurt. But I'm being serious, just hear me out for a second.

 The scales not healthy for you.
Obsessing on the number you weigh is not healthy.

Why is the scale going up when working out

We live in a crazy world today where people are crazy over a silly little number. A number that does not mean anything, it does not define you. We see supermodels, skinny, slim, and fit. They are always looking their best & why is it that people want to look like them?

I used to be one of those girls who would weigh herself everyday. I would wish for me to be back to my high school weight. I got really upset and uncomfortable with myself when I didnt see a certain number. I was never considered overweight, but I did struggle with thinking to myself I just wasn't good enough. I wanted so badly to be this perfect image, when in fact the world isn't perfect so we should accept who we are and love ourselves. 

The scale does not  define you, remember it is only a number. YOU define you. do not let the scale do that. 

I'm not saying you shouldn't weigh yourself, if you are going to; choose a day of the week and stick to that. Wear the same clothes you did the week before. And don't be upset if the scale went up a pound or two.  Because when you are working out, you are gaining muscle. Muscle out weighs fat....which would you rather have?

muscle vs. fat
The scale is not your friend. I always tell my challengers, when you first start working out again, weigh yourself & take your measurements. When you hit day thirty do the same thing. And repeat until you finish. That is the only time I step on the scale. You need to focus on yourself and the non-scale victories. What are those? Those are the tiny accomplishments you are feeling. Do your clothes fit better? How are you sleeping? Less bloated? Maybe your rings that once were small and tight, now are fitting better. Whatever it is, go by these! This is a better idea of how you are feeling. You could be 125  (think that is heavy) and be in the best shape of your life.
One day the scale will be your friend, the next you will hate it. Focus on yourself, focus on your journey.

And remember to always stay true to yourself! 

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