Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Reflecting Back on the Past Year & Gearing Up For 2015

Can you believe that 2014 has came and gone already?! I mean seriously where are they? It truly feels like yesterday we were celebrating 2014 and now we are gearing up to ring in 2015. INSANE!!

New Years Goals

When the New Year comes I always like to take a few days and just reflecting on everything that has happened in the past year. Things about myself I need to improve on, what I have been proud of, goals I wanted to meet. It's always a good start to self reflect (I think) this isn't to bring yourself down or be hard on yourself. This truly is the part for you to self improve and become the best version of yourself. Also, a way to determine where you want to be in the next year.

With that said, goal setting is just one of those things that people tend to just tend NOT to do. I'm not sure if it is something because people have to think about their current life situation and bring up certain things they don't want to or if people have forgot to dream big. But it truly is one of the most important things you should be doing. If you are not waking up everyday excited & you are dreading your job...you have picked the wrong profession and you need to get out. (I'm not saying just quit your job now, but why be unhappy)

I will be honest when I started Beachbody I learned to set goals & I even created a "vision board" for this past year, but I'm lucky if I even hit a few of those goals. Here's why & some reason people struggle.....

1. You're goals are someone else's goals - when you hear someone talk about theirs that doesn't mean you have to make a mental note, get home, and write it on your board. NO biggest mistake ever! Don't write them down because you heard it and think its a great idea. If its one thing you didn't write down initial it's not in your plan write now. When it is someone else's dream you won't reach it. 

2. Making certain goals because you think you "have" to - remember these are YOUR goals. There is no guideline saying you need to be a 5 star diamond coach by a certain date.heck you don't even have to reach star diamond if you do not want too. Everyone starts Beachbody at different times and everyone advances at different times. Some excel faster than others but that doesn't mean you aren't succeeding....your focus is some where else.

3. Stop comparing yourself to others - this kinda goes back to number two. But you cant get caught up in saying well she joined after me shouldn't I be ahead of her. Again, this is YOUR business, you are in control. You may have started out saying I want to help as many people as I can on their health and fitness journey & someone else on the fast track might say, I want to replace my full time income by the end of the year. And if that is the case of course you'll be on different paths, they will be focusing on different things than you are.

4. Focus on the people - when you lose your focus on the customer and really focus on the sale that is where you start to lose yourself. Remember you are in this to help people...don't be a salesperson. Really listen to what your customer wants.

5. Break it down into monthly goals - when setting goals for the year you want to make sure you give them a date, but then your action is creating monthly goals to actually hit your big goals. When you create them it can be scary and you'll have no idea where to begin. But if you just start by saying every month and week I need to recruit x amount of coaches to be on target (it makes it a little less scary and manageable)

6.  Remain true to yourself & remember your why - your why is what keeps you going. Also, remember that throughout the year your why & vision for your life may change. Your dream board now is not set in stone, so when you start to veer off track or you are unsure if you want to hit this goal or not take a step back and think WHY? If its something you don't want anymore change it!

To honestly succeed you must want it 100%! It should speak to you, it should make you step way out of your comfort zone, and there must be a strong enough why to keep you moving in tough times. 

One thing I learned is that you hold the cards to your destiny. People can help you and give you advice, but they are not going to do it for you. If there is something about your life you do not like change it!!! You can do anything you want.....just believe it!!!!

New Years Resolution

I want to hear from you and see what some life lessons you had this year. What your goals are going to be for 2015 and how you plan to make this the best year yet!!!! You can leave your answers here in the comments, add me on FB & let me know, or send me an email : alyssayourish@gmail.com

I look forward to heating from you & I hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

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