Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fast Food - To Go Please

No we are not talking about the fast food restaurants. The ones where the food is chemically enhanced with let's just say junk, food that makes you bloated, and sleepy. The fast food I am talking is the whole food, nutrients, vitamins from the earth. How healthy can you eat at a fast food chain. I mean think about it, you can get a healthy sandwich, but the bread, condiments, and bacon. You just went from 400 calories to 800 some. And if you aren't focusing on your eating...say bye bye to six pack abs.

My healthy alternatives for "FAST FOOD" without the extra calories.

1. Apples and nut butters - grab an apple portion out your butters (peanut butter, almond butter) because yes over eating on those is unhealthy. I love my peanut butter, but honestly any time I don't portion it out, I always eat more than I should.
snacks on the go
2. Shakeology - seriously this is my go to meal & I always tend to make it the same, but sometimes it's fun to switch up the recipes. If you are really in a hurry grab a packet & a water bottle...shake it up. It is packed with all your daily vitamins and nutrients you should be getting daily.
3. Rice Cakes - seriously another one of my favorites. Spice it up with adding a little pb, banana, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Simple sweet treat to enjoy.
4. Veggies and Hummus - Cut up your favorite veggies for a sample platter. Or if you are traveling on the go and can't dip your veggies in the hummus eat them raw.
Being on the go and in a hurry doesn't mean you need to jeopardize all your hard work through out the week and weekends. Prior planning allows you to stay on track.  
fast food

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