Friday, November 7, 2014

Foods to Avoid While Cleaning up the Diet

how to lose weight
When starting your health and fitness journey there are a few foods we should stay away from just to jump start our weight loss. These foods are little "buggers," the ones that will hinder your results. You may end up gaining a pound or two, but you have to be careful cause if you eat too much of these it could be hard to cut ties with.
1. Carbonated Drinks : anything like your diet pops, energy drinks, stuff with lots of sugar. You know what I am talking about. I know they are so good and sometimes drinking water gets boring, but those drinks just are not good for you. If you don't like the plain water add a lemon or your favorite fruit to spice it up.
2. Salt : its just one of those foods you shouldn't use. If you need to use it for taste do a dash of sea salt. I know when I use a little too much (even sea salt) it goes right to my face and I gain weight.
3. Processed Foods : the frozen pizzas, smart ones, lean cuisines, etc. I know they are quick and simple to take to work and just stick in the microwave and eat. But these foods have so much sodium that they are in fact not healthy for you.
4. Dairy :  milk, cheese, you know all that sorta stuff. For me I think I'm sensitive to it so I try to elimanate as best as possible. But when eating these foods they cause bloating, cramping, delay in going to the bathroom (sorry TMI). It will cause you to be heavy. 

5. Sweets : need I say more. They have tons of sugar and if you eat too much it's just not good. You have to limit yourself when it comes to the goodies, it can be hard to break.

Avoiding these foods when starting have helped me lose a few pounds. Now you also have to focus on clean eating an exercise. Have questions? Just ask :

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