Thursday, November 13, 2014

If you Miss A Day Don't Stress

I started a beachbody program, but now I have a day where I will be traveling. What should I do? It's a common question most people ask or are concerned about when it comes to joining a challenge group. I understand and get that if you can't commit 100% of the way you don't want to join. But we also all know, life happens. Life gets in the way and there are days things come up. Don't beat yourself up over it.

I had a hard time grasping this concept when I first started. I was one of those people. I wanted to go all in or nothing at all. But then after talking back and forth with my coach; I realized there was no perfect time to start. Life was always going to get in the way. So I just better start now and be one step closer than yesterday. 

Missing a workout is not the end of the world. But also don't think I am saying it's okay to just slack off there are a TON of alternatives. 
-If you are traveling take your DVDs with you. Most places have a DVD player, if not use your computer (if you have it).
-Go to a gym in the hotel: get some cardio and weight training in. 
-Take a walk outside and explore
-(I know you have a smart phone) get on Pinterest and look up workouts. Nothing complex, just short effective workouts. 

Then when your crazy schedule is over get back too it. You don't have to start from day 1 again, start from where you left off. Or if you were in the middle of a week maybe start fresh from the beginning at that week. It's not going to matter when you finish your program just that you do finish it!

is it okay to miss a workout

If you need any help to hold yourself accountable please reach out to me : or fill out the application below...I would be glad to help!

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