Saturday, October 25, 2014

The 5 Common Excuses Everyone Gives

This may come off the wrong way but this has been on my mind for awhile. I've been thinking about how I want to say it so I don't "hurt" anyone's feelings, but I'm just going to be brutally honest. I have been getting 5 common excuses lately when it comes to working out, eating healthy, joining a challenge group.

Here goes nothing.....

Healthy Lifestyle

1. I just don't have time: let me stop you right there. We all have the same 24 hours in the day. So how are you using your time. If you are scrolling through Facebook, pinning on Pinterest, or watching hours of tv shows on On Demand, you have time. All you have to do is carve 25-30 minutes out for a quick home workout. You have to make time.

2.  It's too expensive: I had the same thought when I was considering joining a challenge group. For this to not get expensive you have to change your life. If you do nothing and add $130 into the mix, yes it will get expensive.  But if you want this bad enough you have to make some sacrifices. Take a look at your life and see where you are spending your money daily. Are you going every morning for a Mcdonald's breakfast sandwich & coffee which costs $5. A Starbucks coffee depending on size $6. If you stop doing these daily activities think of how much money can be saved in a single month. I use my Shakeology as a meal replacement, so that is less that needs to be spent at the grocery store.  It is all about making the choice to invest in your health, if you want the healthy lifestyle it just comes with sacrifices but with results in the end.
how to get motivated

3. I can't stick to anything: If you think you can't; you won't... the power of belief.  Just because you haven't in the past does not mean you aren't now. You can do anything you put your mind too, no matter what it is. If you start this going all in and giving everything you got, finding a program you love and you ARE going to stick too you WILL. Accountability groups are so important in this aspect because I at one point in time did not stick to anything. I would start something and in two weeks because I wasn't seeing fast enough results I just quit, and there was no one to stop me because I was in on this alone. No judging when it comes to this group, this group is your safe haven. A place for you to check in for daily motivation, tell us about your struggles, what is working well for you, a place to just come for positive motivation, and when you feel like giving up or you are in a rut this group everyone will support you and push you to just keep going.

healthy eating

4. Eating healthy...way too expensive for us: It's not that it is expensive, maybe the fruits and veggies are just a little bit. But you are getting whole foods and you are staying full for way longer. You are fueling your body with proper nutrition so in the end you are not eating all the "crap" that makes you feel tired/sluggish/bloated right after you eat it. When you take care of your body, the likelihood of you being sick or given medication is slim to none.


5. I just don't have support:  You are not alone in this journey...and I have found that out the hard way. There are plenty of people out there who are looking for ways to get healthy & find a workout routine that works for them. The problem is people tend to think they are alone and they are just afraid to try and fail. If you want to get fit and healthy and you don't want to do it alone, you don't have too. I will support you 100% of the way and we will get you in an accountability group with other people just like you looking to create a healthier lifestyle. But let me just start by saying, failing is apart of life and it is what makes us who we are. All you have to do is start, you don't have to go out and run a marathon on your first day. This is going to be slow and steady. Remember this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. And believe in yourself, because I believe in YOU every step of the way.

fitness journey

If you haven't been in an accountability group before and you think maybe this is exactly what you need please feel free to take a few moments and fill out the application below and then we can discuss together what options are best for you. And if you have been in an accountability group before and you just fell off the wagon (sometimes we just do) and you want to get back on track feel free to fill this application out as well ! You are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for!!

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