Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Motivation : Workout Blues

Did the weekend get the best of you? Was it filled with parties, family get togethers, weekend away, seafood broil, night out with the friends. Lots of temptations and maybe some less then stellar food choices...right? Maybe you slacked on your water and eating every 2.5-3 hours. Had some drinks to unwind. Whatever it is dust yourself off, the weekend is over and it's time to get back on track!

But how? How do you get back on track when you just feel bloated, tired, and just want to catch up on sleep.


You set the tone for your whole week. So how you choose to feel and what you choose to do Monday morning will determine your success. Remember no one can do this for you, you have to push yourself. But here's what helps me if I ever have an "off track moment"

- Sunday as soon as you wake up and get situated start hydrated yourself. Don't just aim for half your body weight aim for more.

- Set your workout clothes before you go to bed. Put them right next to you (shoes included) so you see them as soon as you wake up. Heck if you want...sleep in your workout clothes. I mean no ones going to judge you at your home gym.

- Create a game plan. That means your workouts, food for the week, prepping, and getting your mind straight.

- Set your alarm (for me I have to set it 4 different times). I tend to turn it off in my sleep or set it for way later. And place it somewhere, where you have to get out of bed. When it's close by it's so easy just to reach instead of getting up. 

- Go to bed with a positive mind. Whether that be you create a list of everything you are grateful for, read a chapter of a positive book, or write over & over again "this is a new week, I will succeed." I have done this before and it really triggers your mind to believe and you then think about it as your falling asleep.

- Lastly find yourself an accountability partner someone that you can text/call/etc first thing in the am to get you both moving. Or they will text you whatever time you guys decide to workout. Send motivation quotes, positive words, sweaty workout pics, have fun with it!

Find what works for you! Everyone is different. Everyone likes different workouts and times to workout. But remember this is your fitness journey.


If you fell off track this weekend or your just getting started on your journey try these beginner steps, they may seem simple & easy....but they make all the difference. I hope these help! And if you have any questions feel free to email me : or add me on Facebook and we can chat more there!!!!

Happy Monday!! 

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