Sunday, October 12, 2014

Clean Eating : Grocery Shopping 101

If you're like me grocery shopping at first can be very overwhelming. You don't know what to buy, where things are, and so forth.  I am here to tell you it isn't that difficult and give you a few tips that helped me...

Write your grocery list out as you are going through the pantry and fridge. Do not try to going through eat aisle remembering what you need, because this will make you spend more money and get unwanted things.
Stick to the outside aisles. These are the aisles with fresh fruits, veggies, stuff that has minimal ingredients, no processed foods.
If you go into the middle aisles make sure you stick to your list (you should do that anyways) but this is where most of the processed food is and food that has some ingredients where names cannot be pronounced. If you can't pronounce it do NOT purchase.
I can't say it enough, stick to the grocery list. You made a list for a reason but if you don't stick to the list you are going to be spending more money than you want and more food than you need.
Spice your dishes up. Use natural spices to flavor up your chicken, burgers, veggies, etc. And spices on the fix are a freebie!
Don't get frustrated when you can't find something at first. Just take a deep breath and look again. (I have done this before) It does get a little overwhelming, but all you have to do is look or will find it.
I hope these simple tips help! If you have any questions feel free to email me :

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