Thursday, June 26, 2014

21 Day Fix Success Story

I just have to give a quick shout out to my girl/fellow coach Haley. I first met her friend through Instagram she joined & said her roommate may be interested. Haley emailed me a few days later and the journey began. At the time she was working out to Focus T-25 abs said she wanted finish it all the way through and the do the 21 day fix. So that's what we did.

 And let me tell you from day one I knew this girl was going to be a rockstar and she totally KILLED it in the challenge group. Not only did she get herself motivated, but she was a huge motivator to all the other girls in the group. She was engaged daily, keep the group fun/exciting, and really cheered the girls on when they felt like they were struggling.

So, when she sent me her results in just three weeks I had to share her results & what she thought out the whole process. 

Congrats girly!!! In so proud of you! You are proof that this system works & with hard work/dedication you can see the results!!!

Haley: Here are my before/after pics! I decided to use my new bathing suit as my modeling outfit hehe I started the program at 135.7lbs and ended at 128.0! I lost 7.7 lbs Inches I started at 165.2 in. and ended at 155.6 inches, I lost 9.6 in. I feel amazing. and I learned so much about how much what you are eating really affects your progress. I am in love with this program and I am definitely going to repeat it in a couple weeks. In the mean time I will continue to eat clean best and I can, I am still using my containers to get portion sizes. I think I was stuck at a plateau when I was doing T25 and what I really needed was this eating plan. It just made everything so simple and easy (and delicious). I can't say enough about this program. Thank you for all of your help and inspiration through these past 21 days

21 Day Fix Results

1. Describe yourself before the 21 day fix? I thought I was happy with were I was fitness wise. I had just completed T25 which I liked a lot but I noticed after the first month or so I had hit a plateau with my results. Nothing was really changing, I was fine with where I was, but I was not at my goal. I assumed I would just continue on to another program and the results I wanted would come eventually? I also thought I was making decent choices food wise and that I was doing well enough.

2. What made you decide to sign up for the challenge? I had seen some other people's results which was intriguing. But I also really wanted to see what this whole eating plan was about. I wanted to see if the way I was eating was really impacting my progress, so I decided to give it a shot.

3. What were you expecting at the end of the 3 weeks? I was expecting to see some sort of change in my body, I wasn't sure how much or how little but I was hopeful. A small part of me was also expecting to be hungry haha I thought at the end of the 3 weeks I might be starving and just stuff my face with everything (that didn't happen thank god!)

4. How did you feel after week 1? At the end of week 1 I was feeling pretty accomplished. It went by quite fast and I LOVED having my food already prepared where I can just grab it or pack my lunch box and head to school for the day! I was also sore (in a good way!) I was a bit tired but after a good nights sleep over the weekend and yoga on Sunday I felt rejuvinated and ready to see what week 2 would bring.

5.Was this program anything like you expected? Yes and no. Yes in that it gave me results and helped me to understand what proper nutrition REALLY is and how much it does affect your progress. No, in that I thought I would be hungry. Those containers look so small, but it is a lot of food. I was hungry the first day or two but my body adjusted and I am so happy I didn't cave in and have an extra snack

6. What were you first thoughts on this program? My first thoughts were that it sounded so simple. Something I could do with my busy schedule. I was a little intimidated to have to prep my entire meals for a week at first (it got easier as I went on). Also, the fact that the workouts were only about 30 min each sounded perfect.

7. If you could give advice to others considering it what would you say? It is so worth it! I think this is the best program I have completed. Don't get me wrong I love the other Beachbody programs, but this one really simplified the whole eating and nutrition part. It also helped me break alot of bad food habits I had. If that is something you struggle with or are curious about, definitely try it. I have finished the program and I am still using my containers and making choices that reflect what I learned while doing the program. The results are addictive. Stick it out and you won't regret it.

Interested in learning more about the 21 day fix or what a beachbody challenge group is? Ready to join my next one? Please take a moment to fill out the application below and I will get back to you as soon as possible! If you have questions feel free to e-mail me:

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