Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tips to get Motivated After Falling Off Track

tips for motivation

How many times have you started something and then just quit. Maybe you failed miserably and fallen flat on your face? But why do we associate failing as a bad thing? Why are we so afraid? Think of failing as lessons learned. Put a positive spin on things.

If your health and fitness is important to you, then you are going to do everything in your power to get you to where you want to be...correct? But you have to start somewhere and when you start how do you stay motivated to continue. What if you start and fall off track...

1. First figure out WHY you are falling off track. You started to workout and you loved it, but where did you go. Why did you stop? Did life get in the way. Were you lacking motivation. Maybe you have no one to hold you accountable. Figure your why out and re-evaluate where you want to be.

2. Get started ASAP. Everyone always thinks starting on a Monday is the best. BUT honestly any day of the week is the best time to start. So if you fall off the wagon on a Wednesday, start your "new" week THURSDAY.

3. Set yourself up for success:  If you have a problem getting your workout in- sleep in your workout clothes that way when your alarm goes off all you have to do is slip on your shoes (I do this sometimes), set your workout clothes at the end of your end, have an accountability partner. Do whatever you need to do to get your workout in and get you one step closer to your goal.

4. Meal Plan & Prep: TBH this was one I dreaded every Saturday/Sunday but after I got the hang of it I am so glad I did because this makes life 100% easier. Each week I sit down to make a meal plan of breakfast, lunch, and dinner ideas I will have. That way when I go to the food shopping I go right in get what I need & what I want. I'm not browsing up and down the isles looking for something and grabbing things I shouldn't. Outta site outta mind right? Then when you get home start prepping your food. Wash and cut veggies/fruit, place them in baggies, grill off chicken, put salads in to go containers, hard boil eggs, make brown rice, spend a few hours doing this and literally when you get home all you have to do is grab your next day & place it in your lunch box.

5. Get yourself accountable: This was my #1 reason why I was successful at picking myself back up and completing programs. I was plugged into an online accountability group. Where there were ladies & sometimes men just like myself looking to make a healthier change. Our coach plugged in as well and provided us with the tools we needed to succeed. If you didn't feel like working out one day, all I had to do was tell that to the group & everyone would tell me why I should & it would motivate me ten times more. Or you didn't want to let the group down. I may not have known everyone, but the end of our challenge group, I felt like I knew them forever.


              how to stay on track

                            healthy recipes
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