Sunday, June 15, 2014

Tips for Grocery Shopping

grocery tips

To be honest grocery shopping was just one of those things where I never really liked. I never knew where anything was. I was one of those people who would just go in and roam every single aisle, fill my cart with what I thought I needed, and then wonder why my bill was high at the end of the day....with nothing in the cart.

Until I got the hang of it..... (I still don't like to go by myself)

How I got the hang of it.

1. Look for recipes/meal plan: Pinterest is my GO to place. Look for ideas on what you want for lunch/dinner. And meal plan it out, it seems very difficult & it was stressful at first for me. But what I found worked for me was that I had a calendar, write S-Sat on it. Plus what I was having, but what I found worked better was listing every ingredient I needed for that recipe. Then I would go through my fridge, pantry, etc and cross off what I have.

2. Stay on the outside aisle:  The outside aisle has your fresh fruits, fresh veggies, chicken, ground turkey, fish. The middle aisle is more of the high sodium and processed foods. The only time I step in the middle aisle is for brown rice, frosty paws (for Bubba), and cereal (for Eric)

3. Stick to your meal plan:  You made a meal plan for a reason. Stick to what is on your list. This will avoid getting unwanted, unhealthy things. Plus jacking your grocery bill up higher.

4. Meal Prep: It takes time, but it saves you a lot of time during the week. Bake off your chicken, cut up your fruit/veggies & package them, pre make your salads, salad dressing, and maybe a dinner so its done.

5. Stack everything in containers, put in the fridge/freezer, grab and go: This makes life so much easier. I can't tell you how many times when I come home from work I just do NOT want to worry about what I am having for lunch the next day and even making it. All I have to do is empty out my lunch box from that certain day, go in the fridge, grab all my containers I have cut, put them in the bag, & I'm finished.

No hassle.
No stress.
No worrying at 9pm (OH NO! I didn't pack my lunch)

Something simple.
Something easy.
And it makes life 100% better.

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