Wednesday, April 2, 2014

21 Day Fix Challenger Success Story

I just have to take a moment and give a special shout out to a girl who I originally met through Instagram. We were following each other and started talking back & forth. We found out that we actually did not live too far away...... We began to discuss my upcoming challenge group (mind you this was months ago).  She already have T25 and a small sample back of Shakeology but never joined a challenge group.

Now, to the beginning of March she was really interested in joining my Bikini Ready in March Group. This was strictly a group for the 21 Day Fix. A fellow coach and myself were teaming up to co-run a test group where we also would be doing the fix with our challengers the first time around. This is when Lisa committed to joining and never looked back! She actually started before the group did because she received everything she needed to get started.

So NOW, Lisa is in the spotlight and I asked her if I could feature her on my blog and share her success with others, give her input, and maybe give words of encouragement for the next person : here were her responses.......

1. Describe yourself before this challenge :  Before this challenge, I was miserable with myself. All of my clothes were too tight, I hated getting dressed everyday because I never knew what I was going to wear in order to hide my body. Every day on the way home from work (at 3 p.m.), it was all I could do to keep my eyes open until I could get to my couch. Once I successfully made it home, I would lay down and sleep from 4-6, get up and make dinner (nothing healthy) and go straight to bed. I had no energy and I dreaded even getting up every day.

2. What was it that made you interested for this challenge : I knew I was so miserable with myself and that I needed something to help me with accountability. I started T25 in July and stuck with it through October. However, once summer was gone and I no longer had to look at myself in a bathing suit (and I was losing my tan), I progressively stopped working out and quit paying attention to what I was eating. It took a while for me to be totally uncomfortable with myself (around the middle/end of January). Back in October, I was really good with making up excuses as to why I couldn't work out. It started with hurting my back, then I was on steroids for a rash and that was when I really started eating anything that came my way!  

3. What got you to commit : I am not even sure how I met my beachbody coach to be honest. I already had a coach (in Colorado) from ordering my T25. I think we originally met on Instagram and then I started following her on other media, including her blog. Alyssa helped me get motivated, even though I was following her for a while before I joined a challenge group. I joined because I knew I needed something/someone to help me be accountable.

4. What were you expecting out of this challenge : I was expecting to become HEALTHIER in general from this challenge. I wanted to create a habit of portion control and working out. More importantly, I wanted to be consistent when working out. My ultimate goal was to get to the point where I had more energy and felt better about myself.

5. Describe how you felt on day one : On day one, I was EXCITED to start. I was supposed to start on a Monday (that was my goal) and my challenge pack came the Thursday before. I was so excited that I actually started on a Saturday. I went to the grocery store that morning and began prepping for the week on that day. I also worked out for the first time that day and felt amazing after the workout. I woke up on Sunday sore, but ready to go again. I felt great already on that first weekend.

6. How did you feel after one week : After one week, I was continuing to feel better about myself. I had lost a little over five lbs and was already seeing a difference in my body. I had a small set back in the middle of the first week because I got rear-ended and missed two days of workouts. IN THE PAST, this kind of thing would have caused me to stop workouts completely, but I was able to jump right back in and then the guilt subsided because I knew I wasn’t going to let myself give up. However, at this point, I did give up attempting to be “alcohol free”. This just made me work out harder (knowing that I was altering the program for myself).

7. What are three things you learned about yourself during it all : I learned that I could persevere and keep going if I just put my mind to it. It also helped to see everyone else having results in the challenge group. Once my clothes started to fit better (and now are to the point where they are loose), I knew I could keep motivating myself to keep it up.

8. What did you like about the challenge : I really like the workouts in the challenge. I enjoy that they are 30 minutes and I actually ENJOY the exercises. They make you work hard enough to be shaky and sore, along with help you work up a good sweat. However, I do not DREAD pushing play like I used to with Insanity.

9. Would you join another group : I would like to join another challenge in the near future. I would like to do something different when I am completed with the next round of 21 day fix.

10. What is your next step : At this point, I am continuing with the fix until I go to Jamaica on the 18th of this month. I no longer use my containers, and I am not AS STRICT with myself, I do have cheat meals here and there. However, I really have created a “habit” and I do not eat sweets or salty treats. I drink ONLY shakeology and water, I do not eat white bread or anything similar to that in the “carb” category for the MOST part. My first cheat meal was last Thursday when I went to my favorite Italian restaurant to celebrate my uncle’s birthday. I ALWAYS get the regular sized order of Rigatoni with meatballs. (I end up eating it for FOUR meals, that is how huge it is). Instead, I got a 6oz filet and a SIDE of pasta and green beans. I ate ½ of everything and did NOT stuff myself. I did get an Italian dressing, but I refused to eat the croutons. Therefore, I know I have created a new habit for myself. When I “indulge”, I do not go all out, I still make sacrifices so that I am not TOTALLY cheating!

11. If you could give advice to anyone who is considering joining, what would you say : My advice would be to START! Once you start, it is easy to continue. Stop making excuses, they don’t burn calories!! It doesn't get easier, you just get better!! Also, if you want something you never had, you have to do things you've never done!!!

21 day fix challenge group

Girl I am so proud of your hard work and dedication!!! You set a goal for yourself and there was no way you were giving up! You had set backs, but pushed through when you could. You did NOT give up and I was so lucky to have you apart of this group. You were not only determined for yourself but those who were also in the challenge group. You were a huge cheerleader to all, MYSELF included!!! Can't wait to see what is in store for you next!!!

If you have been putting off getting started on your own health & fitness journey and you are ready to stop making excuses feel free to message me to see when my next challenge group will be. If you are ready DON'T wait! I am here to help you. You could be my next featured success story!! Don't sit there feeling angry or upset because you don't know where to start, trust me it is not a good feeling and I HAVE BEEN THERE! Reach out to me because I want you to succeed and feel your best. Remember, summer is just around the bend...are you ready? Are you going to be rocking your swim suit or hiding underneath the cover-up?

If you are ready please complete the challenge application below and once I review it I will e-mail you back with all the details!

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