Saturday, April 19, 2014

Benefits of Coconut Oil

                Benefits of Coconut Oil

Ever hear about people using coconut oil for cooking? How about in their hair? Kind of crazy right..... Well with me deciding to do the Ultimate Reset- ROUND 2 . I have decided to start cooking with this bad boy, because you do in fact use it during the twenty-one days. This was the first time last year I ever used it, but yesterday I decided to do a little research on coconut oil and what the benefits were and HOLY BANANAS, there are a ton of benefits (health & beauty). I was so surprised I just had to share.

Coconut Oil
I knew you could use it for your hair to make it smooth & shiny, but look at ALL of these uses for coconut oil. I posted this photo on my Facebook & IG asking people if they used coconut oil and what for, and people were shocked at a ton of these.
The responses I got for people using it was a bunch of different ones. People use it for body lotion, hair, the new thing of oil pulling, cooking, someone makes their own deodorant  etc. But someone was shocked about make-up remover so I dug a little further on this.....(pinterest you are a gold mine)
1. Use a small amount on finger tips
2. Gentle: rub oil around your face until you feel all make-up is lifted off
3. (optional) But totally check yourself out
4. Wipe off with cotton pads
5. Enjoy your newly make-up free, moisturized face
Just for the health benefits, it makes me want to use coconut oil more, but the home projects you can use it for, is just unbelievable.
Have you ever used coconut oil? If you do, what do you use it for? If not, what surprised you?

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