Sunday, October 27, 2013

Beta Phase: Week 1-3

If you have been waiting for my weekly update on Beta I am apologizing to you RIGHT NOW! I have NOT made a weekly post since the last week of Alpha. My mistake, I had both week one & two completed but just NEVER published them! And now it is time for week 3 as well so your getting a whole lot of information all in one!

Beta is WOWZERS!!! It is a notch up from Alpha for sure, but in a good way. You certainly do not start off slow with knee raises, rather jump right in and get to breakin' a sweat! Your speed is increases from the second Shaun T says, "your focus starts now." And it does not stop until he says TIME. 

I will officially say it is time for me to buy new shoes. I am the cheapest girl when it comes to buying new workout sneakers as for me to say this they must be bad. The one way I knew right away, was when I started to do speed kicks. For thirty seconds you are kicking as fast as you can while one leg acts as a base leg. And that base leg the outside part of my foot/bone was really starting to hurt. It felt like I was putting too much pressure on it. So new workout kicks here I come! 

Remember from the last round how spider lunges were just not my favorite at the beginning and I really needed practice? Well in Beta you do running spider lunges !!!! And nope I don't need practice I feel like these are the coolest thing ever!!!! You are constantly moving, not stopping which makes it better. I feel like I am running away from someone or something. Get yourself in the act, and just have fun with your workouts. I know it sounds crazy and you may not understand why I like these, but just give them a try for me....please?

With Alpha you were at least a lower pace not always nonstop/going. There were places even if the timer kept going, you knew the exercises were starting slow where you could sneak in a quick drink. Honestly with Beta, it seems that if you do want to take a drink you miss the whole thirty second exercise! Get my drift?? And hey sometimes a girl just needs her drink...right?! Beta is just in a whole new world!!

Week 1 Schedule:
Monday- Core Cardio
Tuesday- Speed 2.0
Wednesday- Rip't Circuit
Thursday- Dynamic Core
Friday- Upper Focus & Core Cardio

Week 2 Schedule:
Monday- Dynamic Core
Tuesday- Core Cardio
Wednesday- Rip't Circuit
Thursday- Upper Focus
Friday- Rip't Circuit & Speed 2.0

Week 3 Schedule:
Monday- Core Cardio
Tuesday- Upper Focus
Wednesday- Speed 2.0
Thursday- Rip't Circuit
Friday- Dynamic Core & Speed 2.0

I have to say out of each workout in this round there isn't one that makes me a little sluggish in the morning knowing that it is on the schedule for the day. I truly love each of these workouts and I think it is because they are fast paced, always on the move, sweating up a storm kinda workouts. Sounds fun right? Can you truly sit and think for a minute of something that is your stress reliever. Something that just gives you a natural rush of energy and you feel like you can conquer the world after. Something that you are just truly truly passionate about. You know this will always make you feel good, it is your "go" to?? I have to say working out is MY "go" to. I can count on a good workout, for stressful days, just when I feel like working up a sweat, just for something to do, or to let go of some frustration. I love how I feel right after working out. I feel like I get up, go workout, and when I am done it is like a fresh slate. A clean start to the day.

Speed 2.0 is my number all time favorite workout. I did not like Speed 1.0 because I could not get my feet and hands to move together. This one there is just something about it. It is set up different than speed 1.0. There are two different rounds,  three different levels-each level increasing with speed over time. The last round is straight from the top. You combine every exercise from rounds one and two as a last final go around.

I love the program...not just because this is twenty-five minutes. But it is quick and effective. I have been at this program for eight weeks and I can feel my stamina increasing as before even thoughtI was in shape, some exercises really pushed myself hard and sometimes I needed to stop and catch a breath. I can feel my muscles getting stronger & slowly but surely I am getting my abs!!
So moving forward to week 4 and the program is almost over. I can't believe it. It's amazing how fast these programs & challenges go when you find something that you love and stick with. It takes 21 days to create a habit. The rest is dedication and commitment.
Are you looking for more accountability & support. Want to be apart of a group of individuals who are just looking for the extra encouragement. Ready to learn about clean eating & a healthy lifestyle change? Or if you are just looking for more information and want to discuss anything at all please feel free to email me at and I would be happy to help!!!

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