Thursday, May 2, 2013

Customer Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse: Success Story
I met Amber through my sister years ago when they played softball together. I heard from her the other day, when she was asking about these Shakeology Shakes. She told me her friend has lost 17 lbs just from replacing one meal with it everyday. She had a weight loss in mind and wanted to try them. She was working out and changing her diet, but she had gained a little. With her workout schedule-it was because she was toning and gaining muscle, but she just thought she had hit a plateau.
Amber gets up at 6am every morning for work. Works full time til 4pm, heads to softball practice til 6:30 where she is a coach, heads home to eat dinner, clean, or whatever else she has on the to do list, & is getting her stuff ready for her to move south at the end of the month. She is busy from the time she wakes up til the time she goes to bed.
In any diet, weight loss journey you are taking there are times you just feel like you can't move forward. Almost, kind of like you are stuck. So, what do you do? You either A. Change your diet, B. increase your exercise & decrease your calories. But, there is a healthier option....3 Day Shakeology Cleanse.
Amber was on board and ready to go. She was committed to finishing this cleanse and ready to get the jump start she needed.
"The first day I had all three shakes. I added fruit to my first one. But the whole drinking in 30 minutes thing...NOT happening, haha brain freeze! It was slow drinking for the first one because it was different to me. The second day I had my shake for breakfast, a opted for the salad at lunch time because I was hungry & knew I would need the energy. Later in the evening I had a 1/2 shake for dinner and went straight to bed. The last day, I had my shake for breakfast & lunch, and my salad for dinner. I did have some non fat pretzels for a snack. I was tired and starving. It really wasn't bad though. I would recommend it to anyone who was curious about it. I lost a total of 4lbs in 3 days!!!! "
Benefits of the Cleanse:
-Rid your body fat
-Detoxify your body
-Jump start your weight loss & fitness routine
-Body rejuvenation
How does the Cleanse work:
With the Shakeology Cleanse your daily food structure remains close to the same as you’re everyday eating. You will still be eating every few hours with meals that are balanced and nutrient rich which will make up for consuming fewer calories. This means that you can still continue with your workout routine. Adding fruits, nuts, seeds, and the Shakeology fiber supplement can be done as you see fit. Your one solid meal a day, your salad, can also contain fruits, nuts, and seeds, legumes, and veggies along with four ounces or less of a white protein. The point is to keep you satiated and to avoid anything that is artificial - including your salad dressing. The Shakeology Cleanse is designed to optimize your body’s performance. You want to have enough food to fuel your day and your workout. By eating foods that are high in fiber and nutrients it is virtually impossible to overeat. With the high fiber, digestive aids, and enzymes, your body will be ridding itself of excess food and fat and flushing out waste.

Frequently Asked Questions:
How many calories per day?800 - 1,100 per day
How often can I do the Shakeology Cleanse?
Ideally you should do it once per quarter (every 3 months)
When you start a new workout program
When you feel you need help breaking through a weight-loss plateau

Should I/Can I still do my workout during the Cleanse?Depends on the individual
You will have less energy, so consider doing it during your 'recovery' week
Don't do it in the middle of P90X or INSANITY
Can I do a 1-day or 2-day Cleanse?
Yes, some people see results in 1 or 2 days!
It is NOT recommended doing the Cleanse for longer than 3 days!

Should I/Can I take other Beachbody supplements during the Cleanse?
Not the Beachbody Results and Recovery drink, it has too much sugar
All other Beachbody supplements are fine but not necessary.

 Are you stuck at a plateau? Thinking a Shakeology Cleanse is just what you need to jump start your weight loss? Message me: and we will talk!

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