Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sizzling for Summer
With the birds chirping, longer daylight hours, and the warmer weather here..It is offically summertime! It is time to undercover the pool, get the grills out, get ready for parties, the fans blowing & windows open at night, time to start wearing shorts, flip flops, and a bathing suit. BATHING SUIT!!!! Oh no, you mean I have to put one of those on? Is this what you are asking yourself. Do you feel like you just aren't happy with the thought have having to slip on a suit and head out to the pool. Don't worry you still have time.
How am I ever going to be bathing suit ready, when summer is offically a few weeks away? It is possible so do not get discouraged.  You have to commit and be ready to change your life! So over the next 60 days, you get a private online support group, a weekly meal plan for the next 60 days, and a free coach who is here to help you reach that goal of yours. Like the sound of that?..Lets get you started!
I am inviting you to my next 60 day challenge. This is open to anyone who wants to get fit and get that better body by August 3rd. For the next 60 days I will be giving you my full attention and support through this group. You will have everything you need to succeed. Every week you will get a new meal plan from me to help you. You can choose to use it or just get an idea from it. We will figure your calorie intake right from the beginning. This is going to be a new lifestyle change, not a diet. Your meals do not have to be boring and they will not be. I can promise you that.
How do you know what workout to choose? Well, that is exactly why I am here. With me as your coach you will tell me what type of workouts you like to do, what fitness level you are, etc. And we will find you that perfect workout based on your needs. I truly believe everyone has to love their workouts or they just get bored and do not continue with them. You don't need to spend hours working out- an hour MAX. And some of them aren't even that long.  Do you want to feel like warrior? A fighter? Throw thousand of punches to sculpt those shoulders, kickboxing to shape your legs? Something so intense you are sweating from the time you start? Learn 6 different martial arts? I would check this 60 day program out! I lost 19 inches while doing combat, my body toned up. I had shoulder muscle I never had before and my abs were starting to peep through.
Join my 60 Day sizzling for summer group. Get all the receipes you want, meal plans, support, motivation, tips, and inspiration to get you to succeed and get that summer body you want. No more wish you had that body this summer, you ARE going to get it.  And we are going to get you there together! Ready to start?  Okay, here is what you need to the link below. Once you do so send me an email at because our next step is to figure out a workout program for you. Then if you are ready to purchase I will send you the direct link and make sure you get the very best discount ever - which includes FREE shipping.
By clicking the button above means you are reserving your spot. Open enrollment has started and the spots are filling up. Make sure you don't wait til the last minute and miss out! June 3rd starts it all! Will you join us??

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