Monday, May 20, 2013

Your Daily Intake of Water
Do you drink enough water each day? We are taught to drink or aim to drink 8 big glasses of water/day, but actually that is incorrect.  I always have challengers in my group, say they are stuggling, they feel sluggish, tired, exhausted. And my first question to them is how much water are you actually drinking? Usually, it is not nearly enough. It varies for each person individually. So what should you aim for?? Take your body weight and divide that in half. That number equals the number of ounces you should be drinking each day.
Doesn't that amount seem Large. How in the world will you ever finish that much water in one single day. How will you keep track? This is where people really do start to see that they just are not drinking enough water eachday. We get so busy in our day to day lives, that we don't stop to take that sip of water, which causes us to get dehydrated, and feel slugglish. So how can you keep track to make sure you are getting your right amount? Look for a fun creative that tracks your total. I am a total pen & paper kind of girl so everytime I finish a glass of water I just write a tally mark. (I know, really super boring. But hey, it works and if it works why change the system). Find a good size cup, water bottle, jug of water- whatever works for you. Right times on them to show when you need to be at that line by. Or add hair ties to your cup and take one off as you finish. Like for me, I have a 16oz cup at work & my daily intake is around 63 ounces, so I would round up and add six hair ties. When I finish a cup of water I take one off, and so on. So through out the day you can see how far along you are, if you are on track or if you need to not wait as long to take a drink. It doesn't matter how you track your water, but make it fun, make it exciting. It won't seem as boring. And, if you aren't a water drinker like I was add some flavor. Add lemon/lime slices, add fruit you are drinking it!
So how will you stay on track, can you even imagine drinking that much water throughout the day? Doesn't it seem like ALOT?! Here are some best times to drink water, which should help you.
1. When you first wake up- this will wake your body up & turn it on.
2. Drink before every meal-this will make you feel fuller & cause you not to eat as much.
3.Drink with a snack-this will help you determine if you are dehydrated or you really are hungry.
4.Drink before your workout-this prevents you from dehydration.
5. Drink after your workout-replace the fluids you lost during sweating.But don't drink it too fast, you don't want stomach cramps.
6. Drink with medication(if allowed)-it helps dissolve & spread through your digestive organs for rapid absorption.
What can drinking water do for your body? It not only keeps you hydrated, but check out this picture and how it affects your whole body.

So how are you going to keep yourself on track? Think you need help keeping yourself on track? Send me a message at or Facebook Message me. Find out more information & support from me as your Coach.
I hope you found this helpful!!!

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