Thursday, August 14, 2014

PIYO Week 2: Update and Results

piyo results
We have another week done with Chalene Johnson. I have to say she is by far my favorite trainer, no matter what workout I am doing I feel amazing after the time stops! And sometimes it feels like you have just started a workout and you are already done. Time flies (literally). I cannot believe I am half way through month one.  I have to be honest, I did not think PIYO was going to be enough. Even though cardio is not my favorite but I do like to get my heart rate moving. But even if you are aren't jumping around doing agility you still work up a sweat & you are still moving. You are moving in a different way, but you will work you bootay off!
Thirty minute workouts give or take low impact do you think you are going to get something out of it? You are using muscles you truly do not use in your day to day routine. When starting any new routine you get nervous and worried you will not see the results, but you have to trust the process. And I truly believe that is why some people do not stick to programs in the first couple weeks and throw in the towel. WHY? Because sometimes they do not feel challenged enough. It isn't hard enough. This program is something they typically do not do normally. You just want to give up and go back to your "normal" routine. That is where most people fail and hit a plateau. If you stay in your normal routine you continue to work those same muscles & you won't see results as much as you would like too. You have to step outside your comfort zone every once in a while.  Work new muscles, try new never know what could happen?! Try the program for 30 days..see it through to day 30; following the program to a T, then make your decision about quitting & moving onto something else.
knee workouts
Bummed Knee

Unfortunately, when it came to working out I did not have a choice. If I wanted to get back to it PIYO was the only thing I could do or lightly walk. You can't see the picture to good, but my knee gets tapped every time I go to PT so I can warm up with running. It's not comfortable believe me. The white tape is the bottom layer & the brown tape we push my knee cap over from the right side to the left so it is "centered." The goal is to keep it on for 48 hours, if it is uncomfortable it can come off. It hasn't lasted more than a day, but I do honestly try to keep it on that long & workout with it because if it helps, then it could help my knee issues a little bit. But I must say I am very glad that PIYO is the only program I can do, because I truly enjoy it. I get frustrated sometimes because my muscles need stretched and it hurts, BUT it is working! It tests me and it is mind over matter. I try to push myself a little further each day.

weight loss

Believing you can is the first step. Next come up with an action plan. Write a schedule of your workouts down (even though you get a schedule), but that way it is visible and you know what you are doing each day. If it helps start creating a vision board with your goals (weight loss, what size you want to be, maybe your future swimsuit you want to wear). When you put your goals in front of you where you can see them everyday, it makes you work ten times harder.

Weight Loss Goal
Motivational/Goal Board

What does week 2's schedule look like?

Monday - Sweat
Tuesday - Define: Lower Body
Wednesday - Core
Thursday - Define: Upper Body
Friday - rest
Saturday - Sweat
Sunday - Core

I can't exactly say what my favorite workout of Piyo is just yet. And I only say that because I have not done all of them yet. From the ones I have completed so far I would say Sweat and Upper Body. Upper body is a little short for time but you still can get a great workout, you can always add something else to workout longer.

Piyo results

I have been delaying writing this post not because I don't have words to say or I don't like piyo. It is because I didn't really give my all. It has been getting to me. I had a bad week during physical therapy. I really was struggling with not being able to workout during PT days and when I was having a hard time running,I just felt defeated. It's hard to accept I can not physically run when I want and some plyometric exercises still bother me. It is hard to be "restricted," but I have to learn to work around it and do what I can. If I push myself harder, I could hurt myself more & set myself back. And if I quit what does that say about me?

So onward and upward. I gave myself some time to sit and think about where I am, how far I've come, and where I want to be. It is just a chance for me to regroup and get my mind right. So, I have the right mindset & ready to kick butt on week three.

If you would like more information on joining my next Piyo Accountability and support group to get customized meal planning, tips and recipes to help you start and complete your Piyo Journey please contact me below!

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