Monday, August 11, 2014

Vegetable Tian

As we were riding home from Maryland this weekend I was scrolling through Pinterest looking for new recipes. Why not make the most of your 5 hour drive when you can't go food shopping or meal prep .. at least you can make your shopping list with your meal plan. That is exactly what I did on the way home, but you know when you type in "clean eating recipes" thousands of amazing dishes. You must narrow it down or you will be on forever. I wanted to try to do something different, something without meat. There was my narrowed down search "veggie" dishes, which is how I came across this recipe.

veggie dishes
Vegetable Tian Being Prepped

What you need:
-baking dish
-1/2 onion ; chopped
-2 tbsp. chopped garlic
-potatoes (I used red skin)
-red pepper
-Parmesan cheese
-seat salt
1. Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees.
2. Wash, Peel, and Slice vegetables.
3. Saute the onions and garlic in olive oil for seven minutes.
Meal Prep
4. Add onions and garlic to the bottom of the pan. Layer the pan with the vegetables.
5. Season with salt, pepper, thyme, and drizzle 1-2 tsp of olive oil over the top for taste.
6. Cover with foil and bake for 35 minutes.
7. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese over and bake uncovered for another 30 minutes.
8. Let it cool for a bit before serving.
Veggie Dinner Ideas

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