Thursday, August 28, 2014

Truthful Thursday

So it's Thursday and it is time to get a little truthful. If you have been following my blog you know I have been completing PIYO and my progress/updates are at week 2 because I restarted week 3. I was slowly into it and with physical therapy, I kind of just lost my motivation (I told you I would be truthful). And in the last week and a half I have not done anything. This weekend I really took some time for myself and had to have a really good talk on my goals, why I started my journey, and what was going on with me.


I have truly been feeling lost and not knowing who I am. I cannot tell you when my mindset really started to shift but I have went to see my PCP and we are waiting for my blood work to come back (another blog post at a later time) Until then, I felt like I was letting my body and my negativity really take control of my life. I wasn't getting up in the morning to workout, I ate whatever the heck I wanted without really watching, I wasn't reading my personal development daily, and my whole mindset was pity me. I told myself this was no ones fault BUT your own. You have no one to blame for the excuses & decisions you have made. If I do have a health issue (we will deal with that when it comes down to it) but instead of throwing a pity party... I could have still kept my same normal routine.

positive quote

Like I said in the beginning...this is truthful Thursday.
 I have been quiet.
 I have been MIA.
I have been looking for the right words, but I realized there are NO right words.
I'm honest with myself and know when I need to put my big girl pants on & get it together. This is me, 100% honest. Sharing my journey with you every step of the way. That means failures, success, weight loss, weight gain, life experiences, products, and much much more.
I am putting this out there for EVERYONE to hold me accountable. I have RE-STARTED Piyo this week and I am now on day 4. I am giving it my all this time excuses. I am human and I mess up and take many steps back in my fitness journey (even as a coach). But every failure you encounter turns into an even BIGGER success story.
Piyo results

If you have questions for me or want to know more I would love to answer them. You can send me a private message on Facebook or email : 

Looking forward to chatting with you!

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