Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 4 : P90X3 Women's Progress & Update

Welp let's see week 4 has come to an end....the transition phase. One would think that this phase is sort of like a break. A stretch, easy, resting week from the normal kick butt kinda workouts Tony Horton is normally giving you. This week is all about core strength & stability. But I was so just not ready for this. I was going into this week thinking I would get a slightly light break so I did not mentally prepare myself . Everyday each workout challenged me, more than I ever thought possible.

So what does my "relaxed" week look like....
Monday: Isometrix- is all about targeting your core. Your strength & balance all comes from your core muscles. You are building static strength, adding instability.
Tuesday: Dynamix- focus using your muscles, joint function, & connective tissue, this all helps you increase your range of motion, flexibility, & stabilization.
Wednesday: Accelerator- increased cardio, muscle efficiency. Two different speeds are your target to reach the fat burning point.
Thursday: Pilates X-this is NO joke. I never really understood exactly what pilates was, but this has opened a whole new world to me. It is all about core while focusing on your breath & balance.
Friday: CVX-  It felt so good to lift weights during a workout. I really felt lost for a couple days without lifting. It made me realize that I like the intense workouts.
Saturday: X3 Yoga- I may not be very flexible but I am making progress. It is all about the core strength. It allows me to really focus on each move and aim for flexibility.
Sunday: Rest Day
What's next?? Tomorrow morning I start Block #2. The first month of P90X3 is officially over and that means thirty day pictures & progress measurements will be posted soon. So if you have been following my journey make sure you check back!
I'm ready to tackle week 5 like no other. I am ready to see what it is going to bring to the table. Tony Horton I'm coming for you!!!!
Have a fabulous week!!!!!

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