Thursday, July 25, 2013

Les Mills Combat Update: Week 7

Another week has come and gone, which means this program is about to be over for the second go around. I have mixed feelings about that. I am excited and ready to start a new program, but also I am a little sad because this has to be a top fav of mine. I love how the program makes me feel stronger. It drives me to push harder and go one step further than I did the week before. I feel like I am a fighter. When I say I feel like a fighter it makes me think of Christina Aguilera's song..."Makes me that much stronger, makes me work a little bit harder, makes me that much wiser, so thanks for making me a fighter." And then I start to break out in song and maybe even do a little dance. (LOL)

Let's get back on track, where were we. Oh yes, week #7. So each week I make myself a promise that I am going to push a little bit harder in all my workouts from the week before. This week I also tried to limit myself from carbs as, "hey this girl can not stay away from her pasta." I can't help it, I'm italian. But not just pasta, but wheat bread for my sandwich during lunch, because the carbs tend to make me a little bloated. It is so hard because it is summer time and you want to enjoy the weather when it is nice. You want to enjoy a nice meal outside and just unwind after the week and then the temptations from other people start to kick in. Whether it is going to graduation parties, weddings, ice cream, drinking...whatever it may be we all have that one little temptation that will bite us in the butt if we even go near it!!

This quote speaks volumes to me. And maybe some of you can relate as well. Will that extra glass of wine, that scoop of ice cream, the fried food, and over-eating help get you to that goal body you have in mind? Will you be one step closer to your results or are you your own worst enemy hindering them? If you want those sweets, make it your "cheat" meal, plan out when you are going to enjoy a little sweet treat. Think about this next time you go for that scoop of ice cream, but already had your planned cheat meal.

I am still loving Les Mills with all the punches and kicks you are doing. It keeps me moving and it gives me that natural energy when I am done. Let me tell you when I finished this week, I was dripping sweat from head to toe. I still can't push myself to do Combat 60 (because of migraines) so when it is on the schedule I actually swap it out for Combat 30. Something shorter for me, but still just as intense.

Week 7 Schedule:
Monday- Combat 60 LIVE
Tuesday- HIIT: power & inner warrior
Wednesday- Combat 45
Thursday- HIIT: plyo & core attack Friday- Combat 60 LIVE
Saturday- HIIT: power & inner warrior
Sunday- Rest

I have to say even though some days I have been doing late night workouts, I still have been getting them done. If it wasn't for my challengers, the ones that push me to be better, that drive me to go a little further, and be the best person I can be, I can truthfully say I wouldn't do my workouts after work. I am the one that has to get up early in the am or I will find every single excuse in the book not to workout after a long hard day at work. I mean what is the first thing you want to do when you get home from work?? RELAX!!! So my challengers are my inspiration, they are the reason why I am here and why I do what I do. They deserve a big THANK YOU!
So, what have we learned in week 7. Make a plan and stick with it. Keep your goals in mind. Make an effort to really dive forward and make healthy choices. Try to stay away from your weakness foods and be strong. You can do this. We are all here rooting for you!!!!

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