Saturday, July 13, 2013

Back from being MIA

Hi guys! I'm back and I know it has been awhile. I am usually posting on facebook daily every couple hours or writing blogposts with posting them every couple days. But this week I just couldn't, I wasn't myself; I wasn't me.

You may ask where I have been? For the past couple of days I had to step away from the computer. I had to focus on me and get my health back in order. I am still not 100% feeling better and everyday is different than the next, but I am taking it one day at a time and if I need a break I take it.

Lets go back to the 4th of July. I went away with the boyfriend to camp for a few days. A nice getaway, no worries, relaxation, and so peaceful. Then, we returned home for a wedding on Saturday. Needless to say my eating was NOT the best, drinking was a little bit over the top, and my sleep schedule was all off whack. I really wanted to try and focus on this past week to really push harder in my workouts and get back on track with food. I do have to say when you are so use to changing your lifestyle and slip up for a few days, man does it take an effect on you. I felt bloated and sluggish for a few days, but still started off right.

But, that isn't the real reason why I was MIA for a few days. It started Tuesday morning on my way to work I was started to feel what I thought was a head cold coming on, but I started to get what I saw was a string in my left eye, and it was blurry. So instantly when I get that I know a migraine is about to happen and this time it came fast. I got extremely hot and felt as if I was going to pass out. I never really got migraines this bad or often like I am now. This is what I mean when I said I needed to take care of my "health."

It is the one of the most scariest feelings in the world to be driving and feel like you are going to pass out, throw up, or just see blurrs out of one eye. I can't even begin to explain it, but I knew this is when I knew I needed to go to the doctor and get it taken care of. I made an appointment and talked to the doctor. I had to explain all my symptoms, get a check-ups, all that good stuff, etc. And he did say I have been getting migraines and gave me a few things he wanted me to do. It is common for symptoms to be triggered by certain foods, caffeine, or even hormones he said. But, from now on I need to start somewhere and pin point when these bad boys happen.

 So, I have to write down EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING, I eat and drink. He said most of the time you will start to see a pattern with foods you are eating and if you do, lets try to eliminate it. Next, would be caffeine, now I stopped drinking coffee in March when I did the Ultimate Reset and just recently started to drink one cup in the morning while getting ready, which it may be a possibility. If we don't start to see a pattern with triggers then he said the next thing would be stress. Which HEY, everyone has it, it is just learning how to deal with it that makes it easier. For now I will just track my food and try to slowly not let things bother me and just take a deep breath. He gave me a prescription to only take when I feel like the pain is coming on. Hopefully, this should stop it before it gets too bad. If it doesn't work, it is back to the doctors and on to a specialist.

It has been a crazy week. Everytime I have tried to tackle something on my to do list I feel sick, I have a headache, and I just don't feel like myself. I have felt beyond the word of exhaustion and feel like I never sleep. It stinks because there is still stuff to get done. But in the end I need to get myself better, I need to make sure I am okay. I have been going and going nonstop. From the time I wake up in the am for my workout til I go to bed. And that is okay I love what I do, but sometimes you just overwork yourself and you just don't know til it gets to a point you wish it never would.

If I go away for a little while again, you now know where I have been. I haven't been ignoring anyone or I haven't disappeared. Just taking care of myself and getting some rest, the rest I need, (everyone needs it sometimes).

Take care guys! xoxo

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