Thursday, October 2, 2014

Is There Ever a Right Time to get started on your Fitness Journey??

To be honest we all have fitness goals , right? We all want lose those stubborn last 10 pounds, tone up your arms, lean out, have six pack abs, run a half marathon. Whatever it may be we all have a goal, but are your excuses bigger than your why? 

Is there truly ever a time that is 100% perfect for starting. If you wait for the perfect moment you'll be waiting forever and you'll never ever start.

Here is a little secret: you just have to get started. There is never going to be a right time. 

You just have to start! 

It doesn't matter if you've never worked out a day in your life. It doesn't matter if you are a fitness guru and you've fallen off track. Do not wait until Monday morning to start fresh, decide you will make the change, and put it into action immediately. 

If you are a beginner and you don't know where to start (like me when I first started out) I joined an online support/accountability group.  This group taught me the benefits of clean eating, what I should be shopping for, how to plan my meals out, get my workouts in, and things like that. Not only was it a 'safe' place for me to go, I connected with people and made friendships. Being in this group helped because if you felt like skipping a workout or eating something terrible for you, you could post in the group and instantly someone would cheer you on to get your workout in or remind you of your goals to put that cookie down. 

These groups are lifesavers!!!

So there's no right time to get moving and get fit. You just have to want it and you just have to start! Never a better time than NOW!

If you want more information on my next online accountability group please feel free to fill out the application below or if you have questions email me:

Fill out my online form.
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