Friday, October 10, 2014

Fitness Journey : How to Keep Going

I get asked all the time about my routine and what has helped me lose weight and stay on track.

fitness motivation

Here are a few things that have helped me...

1. Take your "goodbye" pictures (as I like to call them) : you may ask why but this honestly is my motivation driver. When i take those  pictures/measurements I see where I am. I see where I let myself go and set goals for myself on where I want to be. It pushes me to be better, it pushes me to work harder, it pushes me to not ever want to feel that way again. 

2. Pencil in your workout time : schedule it in like you would a business meeting. Someone once said you wouldn't cancel a meeting with your boss would you? So don't do the same thing with your workout. Make it known to yourself & the people around you that this is your time & it has to happen. 

3. Meal Plan each week : sit down the same day each week and plan out your meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks). It's not hard, it just takes time. Don't know what to have there are a ton of websites out there or Pinterest is a GOLD mine. Search clean eating reciepes and thousands come back. To save yourself time from scrolling and getting overwhelmed limit your search. (Craving mexician? Search clean eating Mexican dishes)

4. Meal Prep : along with planning comes prepping. So every Sunday after grocery shopping I cut veggies, cook of chicken, boil eggs, throw a meal in the crock pot. That way it's grab-n-go instead of getting stuck and wondering what's for lunch. 

5. Stay hydrated : this used to be a BIG one for me I struggled with. I didn't like water and lemon water was just gross. Now I can't get enough of it!! You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces. I keep track by making tallies, set an alarm & chug. If you are like me and didn't like water, spice it up...add your favorite fruits & veggies to give it some flavor.

6. Get in an accountability/support group : I have said it before these groups are what helped get me back on track. When you feel like quitting, this group will help keep you going.

7. Measure your progress by your non-scale victories not the scale : when I get so focused on the scale I get frustrated if I don't see the number I want. You have to remember you are burning fat and increasing muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so the number will be higher. But how do you feel? Do your pants for looser? 

8. Set goals for yourself : like finishing a program, loosing so many inches, whatever you want them to be. And when you hit them reward yourself with new workout clothes or a mani/pedi (for girls) guys go golfing. 

And the last one I think is most important....

9. Remind yourself this is a process : you aren't going to lose the weight overnight, just like you didn't gain it overnight. It can get frustrating at times. We are our biggest critics but you have to trust the process. It's worth it in the end!

These are some of the things that helped me during my weight loss journey & helped keep me going. I mean, I'm still on my journey so don't think it ever stops. 

If you have questions or would like to chat more you can emai me or if you would like to join my next online challenge group, please take a moment to fill out the application below!


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