Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What Does My Weekly Prepping Look Like

I get questioned often on how I meal prep. What does a typical Sunday look like? What foods do I cook off? Honestly it usually consists of the same things and sometimes I switch it up. But, I truly find it easier to stick to a basic meal plan through the week..something that doesn't take a lot of time & effort.
meal prep

1. Prep chicken: I am almost always having chicken for lunch. So I pull the chicken (if there's any left) from the freeze and let it thaw. I either add my own seasoning to it or let it marinate. Place on a baking sheet and let it cook off. 

2. Boil/cook eggs: I cook mine in the oven yes! I'm awful with the boiling water. I always think I leave it in long enough and they just are never cooked. Place in a muffin pan at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. You can use them for a snack or  on top of your salad.

3. Cut veggies: any veggies I'll have for the week I'll cut up and put in containers so they can be portioned out. Sometimes I'll even place some veggies on foil, add a few spices, and bake in the oven.

4. Wash my fruits: as soon as I get home from the store I will wash all my fruits so they are ready to go.

5. Portion nuts out: whether I choose almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc. I always portion them out in baggies so it's grab-n-go. Even though they are "healthy" fats, you still can over eat on them. 

6. Game face on: prepare yourself. Set yourself up for success with your meal plan. 

meal prep

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