Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 1 - 21 Day Fix Extreme Weekly Progress Update

21 Day Fix Meal Planning

The 21 day fix extreme arrived a week into me starting the original. I didn't want to just quit what I was doing, so I committed to finishing what I started and I made a decision I would get to the extreme next. I loved the FIX and I loved the concept of focusing on portion control. But I can't lie I was itching to get started! I was ready to take my results and fitness to the next level. I studied the guide so I understood how the program was going to work and what my best approach would be. The best thing about this guide & workouts is you get to create it to how you want. It isn't a diet where you need to eat only what they are telling you. You have many different options - you can switch it up if you would like or you can keep the same meal plan for the week.

The night before I was to start I was giddy! I was so nervous and excited to start. On top of starting this new workout I was also starting a new career path. I was seriously a little kid in a candy store with everything happening. And with that in mind, I have not been getting up in the morning to workout, but I decided with the extreme I wanted to get up early because I didn't want to come home after work and do it. I have a little further drive and that would just give myself enough time to give myself excuses. They always say you must step outside of your comfort zone & make sacrifices.

It was time to get myself ready and tallied up for the week. Whatever works for you to keep tally of your containers works for you. I tend to use my whiteboard and erase when I add something in my lunch. Others like to use the 21 day fix tally sheets.

21 Day Fix Tally Sheet
Nutrition is key to see major results so spend a great amount of time in the kitchen. I know it may seem long and boring, but it will save you in the long run. And what is the point of working hard and giving all you got in your workouts if you are going to just throw it away with your nutrition.
Day 1 - Early Morning
The first week is always overwhelming. You aren't sure what the workouts are going to be like. You have to get to know different moves & get coordinated. I know when I start something new I get frustrated and I feel like I do not get a good workout in because I'm more focused on if I looked goofy or did I do it right. It's a new routine so give it time, don't get too discouraged with yourself because you are not alone!
Another part of the journey is taking your before measurements & pictures. Not everyone's favorite part but honestly you NEED to do this! I always tell my challengers to do it and you don't have to show anyone, keep them in a separate folder on your phone. Because you may not see or feel the results, but if you have those pictures you will see the program working by the end. Also, don't get upset if you don't like what you see or how you feel...this I honestly have learned from my own health & fitness journey that this is a lifestyle change. We have our good days and we have our bad days. There are days where we want to eat everything in sight and others where we stick on track 100%.  You are going to be awesome every single day ( I am still learning and struggling ) but you can choose to make a difference.
Here is the 21 Day Fix Extreme Schedule -
Monday - Plyo Extreme
Tuesday - Upper Fix Extreme
Wednesday - Pilates Fix Extreme
Thursday - Lower Body Fix Extreme
Friday - Cardio Extreme
Saturday - Dirty 30 Extreme
Sunday - Yoga  Extreme

Before I started the 21 day fix, I completed one of the hardest mental challenges in my life. But even though I finished a hard program, but anytime you switch it up you will be working different muscle groups. So every single workout has me sore in Places I didn't even know I had muscle groups for. But all you need to know is that if you are sore, it is working! No matter what you have to push past it. I have been struggling with getting out of bed before work. So, I decided when I started this new job, I was going to make new changes.  I told myself to get up and get moving, I felt so much better all week & honestly my mind was so clear. It's crazy to think what a good workout will do for your mood.


Give it a go! Don't give up. When you feel like quitting reach out to your coach & accountability group. If you don't have a coach I would LOVE to help you get through the next 21 days, feel free to send me an email and we will get you set up -

If you would like to join my next 21 Day Fix Extreme Test Group , take a moment to fill out the application  below!!

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.



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