Monday, September 22, 2014

Belief Starts with YOU!


I have been having this AHA moments lately. I recently started running again after physical therapy was over and I have to say it hasn't been the prettiest. But you know what that is okay.

If you go out in life with an expectation and you don't reach that, you may be disappointed and you may change your goal lower to what it was ...that is NOT okay.

You aren't always going to hit your goal.

You are not going to be perfect.

You are going to fail.

You are going to learn.

You are going to grow.

But more importantly you MUST first believe in YOURSELF!

Yes, I know this is me and my distance says a little over a mile. I mean really, anyone could run a mile, so this may seem like nothing.
But you know what last week I couldn't run a mile. I have to remind myself , I am human and I am overcoming an injury. I have to pace myself and I am not going to be able to run as fast and as far as I once did. But you know what .... that is OKAY!
I am okay with where I am, I tell myself, I can do ANYTHING, if I just believe. And that is exactly what I am doing. I tell myself every single day, "Alyssa just run a little further than you did the day before." But I also have to listen to my body, I know I can run further than the day before, but if my knee is a little sore, I have to take a step back.
I know I will get to my goal, WHY? Because I believe in myself. I know I can do this. It is something I want and I will get it! It may take a little longer than expected, but time does not matter!
The power of belief starts with you!
You may not know how you are going to get to the end results, but you will get there!


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