Thursday, July 31, 2014

Who Should Be A Beachbody Coach

Health Coach
Are you a fitness lover?
Loving helping others?
Looking for your passion in life?
Know you are meant for something greater out there?
A daughter?
Busy Mom?
Have a FT job?
Goal Driven?
Want to "fit in" just by being you?
Beachbody may just be the perfect fit for you! Truth be told, beachbody is NOT for everyone. And that is perfectly okay, all you have to do is have a passion for helping people!
What you don't have to be:
- you don't have to be at your goal weight
- you don't have to be a salesperson
-you don't have to reach a certain number each month
- you don't have to be anyone but you
Share your journey. Share your story. People want to connect with the real you. Be truthful. Be honest. And show what you love.
Have you been thinking about becoming a coach, but you just weren't sure if it is right for you. Do you need a little more information to see exactly what Beachbody is and what we are all about? Check out this webinar we recently just had; explaining the company, what it is we do as a company/team, & how you can make this a career (if you wanted) just by helping people.
Are you interested in Becoming a Coach on my team??  I am going to host a 5 Day Sneak Peek into Beachbody Coaching on August 11th!! And my Coach Apprenticeship Program will start one week after that (August 18th) l  If you would like more information on becoming a coach please complete the application below to be considered for a space on my team!! Do you get a feeling that you know you are meant for something more? You are tired of heading to your 9-5 desk job not getting anything out of it? Why not act on your feelings? You never know until you try?! 
I would love to hear from YOU!

Fill out my online form.
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