Sunday, July 27, 2014

PIYO Week 1: Get the Results

PIYO results
So you wanna know the scoop on PIYO. The first official week is over & I'm about to give you the low down?! Piyo is no joke, but I love that you can still get a workout from strength & flexibility.
Imagine what you could get with :
*30 minute workouts
*Meal Planning
* Online Support
This was a program I was waiting for, as most of you know I injured my IT band back in June and was not working out. When I heard the program was being released I asked my physical therapist and he said slowly get back into it. I was nervous, but ready to go. With that said, I am going to share the good, the bad, the struggles, the triumphs. But I am so excited to be sharing my whole progress with you. I do have to say I was a little nervous because I am so used to doing high intense workout, but I know my body needs the stretch.
PIYO progress
I just want to listen to my body and really focus on each stretch along with gaining strength. I'm excited to switch my workouts up. I know my flexibility really needs some work to it and that is a focus of mine. I want to be present in the moment & really clear my mind with each workout. I wouldn't mind losing some weight, but really focusing on toning up. Since having my knee injury, to be honest I was a little down on myself & I would go in spurts of clean eating, then I would fall off track & it was really hard for me to stay focused. So with PIYO I really need to be careful & cautious of my food choices.

What does week one of PIYO look like?
Monday- Align: The Fundamentals
Tuesday- Define: Lower Body
Wednesday- Define: Upper Body
Thursday- Sweat
Friday-Rest (sometimes I make my rest days on sundays)
Saturday- Define: Lower Body
Sunday- Define: Upper Body
PIYO results
PIYO ready

I'm ready and my game face is on! I have decided that nutrition is KEY to see the results I have been lacking. I have decided to throw away the excuses (yes, as a health coach even i struggle with the self doubt), but my determination & challengers are what is getting me through. I am following the PIYO nutrition guide, BUT I have decided to use the 21 day fix color containers to use proper portion control. Because portion with food is also a key part in weight loss & staying on track .
weight loss journey
Are you joining me for the ride? I will be providing weekly progress & updates here on my blog, my YouTube channel, & Instagram account. If you are interested in starting PIYO I am not accepting applications for my upcoming challenge group. You can be the next SUCCESS STORY & WIN MONEY!!!

Fill out my online form.
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