Thursday, May 8, 2014

Is This Whole Beachbody Coaching Thing For Me?

Beachbody Coach
What do these words mean to you? To me, this is everything I believe. Every day I strive to be better. Live better. And to do better. Not only for myself, but for the people around me and the ones I have yet to meet. If you knew you could not fail no matter what, how BIG would you dream? Now, let me asking you..if you are dreaming that big right now but not doing anything about it....WHY NOT? Why is it that we always have these dreams, but nothing ever comes about because we just sit back, going about our lives like we are "supposed" to, not doing anything outside our comfort zone.
WHY? Because no one will second guess you or judge you when you are doing what is expected of you. You will be going through the motions just like everyone else. Waking up, getting ready for your 9-5 job (maybe disliking your job), sitting in rush hour traffic, exhausted, all just to do it all over again the next day. Why would you want to be fitting in with the crowd when you were born to stand out and SHINE!
Beachbody Coaching 
I first started out as customer in my own Beachbody Challenge and the results I had, I was so impressed with what I was able to achieve in 90 days. Then, I decided to sign up as a discount coach because I fell in LOVE with Shakeology. Not only did it help with weight loss, but also my previous stomach issues/pains were seeming to settle down & be under control. After, seeing the benefits and what this opportunity has to offer there was no holding me back. I was crazy not to join.
I am earning extra income to pay for bills, gas, FUN money, vacations, whatever I want. If you have dreams and goals YOU CAN DO THIS!
Not sure if you have what it takes? This business is not meant for everyone, but what if you were given a chance for 5 days to be in a closed group where you watch short videos (around 10 minutes), on their stories and what it means to be a Beachbody Coach. How to earn money, where to find customers, what to do to reach full-time income potential, etc. At the end of the five days you should have everything you need to know if this is for you or not. This business is not meant for everyone, but you'll never know until you give it a shot...THIS IS YOUR SHOT!!!
If you are ready and you want to see what this is all about. Please add me on Facebook and send me a message. I will add you to the group.
Beachbody Coaching
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