Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Double Digits

Can you believe it?

We've hit the double digit mark on the Ultimate Reset.

We are on day 11 and just counting down the days. 

Few things:

- we started the Detox phase. No animal based food. And this delish drink...NOT.
                   Beachbody's Ultimate Reset

It literally looks like brown water, but I promise it's not. I don't mind the taste honestly, BUT it's grainy and no matter how hard you shake it, it still settles. So drink it fast. 

- I'm getting frustrated. And the reason for that, because I did this last year and I know how I felt. I had way more energy, but defiantly feel better then before starting. I feel bloated right now, I don't feel "lighter" like I did in week one. But I'm basing that off of it's that TOTM. I guess I thought I would feel the same, but I just same to trust the process. 

- I'm a simple girl. I tried to get all fancy the first week and eat a variety of foods. But honestly if I found something I LOVED I have been sticking with it. 
            Beachbody's Ultimate Reset

- Sleep = deep sleep. I used to wake up  to everything and not be able to fall back asleep for a half an hour. Now I fall asleep  as soon as my head hits the pillow & if I wake up it's to move, but I go right back to sleep. 

- some days I feel FULL, others I need more. You don't go starving on the reset but, this time around there are days I feel hungry still. 

- sleepy time tea. Nothing special. It's just my comfort right before bed. It puts me in a calming state of mind. 

I can't say this experience a second time around has been awful...just not what I excepted. 

Have questions : JUST ASK!

Thanks for following my journey & thank you for all your support!! 

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