Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fitness Motivation

Do you know as a beachbody coach for years I struggled with finding my motivation to stick to a diet, weight loss plan, pills, gym membership, & DVDs (which are now collecting dust.) we all struggle and it's something very hard to overcome.

Yes I needed to lose weight.
Yes I needed to get in shape. 
Yes I wanted to eat healthy.
Yes I wanted my stomach pains to stop.

but HOW......

If you don't find your "why" behind it all. If you "why" isn't strong enough to make you get teary-eyed or excite you forget it. Start there, really sit down and think about why you want to (insert your goals here). Your why is what is going to push you each and every single day. Make you realize that you can do this, and you are good enough.

So how do you find the motivation?

before and after pictures
Do you see this picture, can you even believe that is me? Because honestly, I don't believe it and I hate looking at it still to this day. But I do because it is my daily reminder of how far I have come, how I felt, and it makes me work harder so I don't fall back in that same trap. But before Beachbody... I was a lost cause. I was so unhappy with myself & I was beginning to isolate from everything around me. If I had to get dressed up or get out of sweat pants, I tried to find an excuse for me not to leave the house.. SAD right? It was one weekend when myself & some college friends went up to visit UPJ, because our sorority was celebrating 25 years. We were all sitting around Friday Night waiting to go out talking about how summer was coming up, when someone asked a friend what she has been doing because she looked great. And what she said, she was in a Beachbody Challenge for ASA. It peeked my interest and I began asking her questions & if I could join, because I was at a point I tried everything and just could not stick to anything at all. I didn't even think twice to sign up and join. I'm one of those people if you tell me something, I will try it. I won't do research or anything. Of course I was weary about it , but I didn't let that show. I had to do something, try this for the last time.

So why did I join?

Every program comes with a nutrition guide, it allows you to get ideas for your week if you choose to use them. You get a schedule to follow so no need to look confused when you start. It is laid out right in front of you, all you need to do is pop in the DVD. Can you say money saver!! Think about it, you have had a gym membership or personal trainer (how much are you spending each year). Personal trainer you would defiantly show up everyday, but the gym with no one to push may not show up there could be days, weeks, months you just don't show up & that money is gone. With Beachbody you pay for your challenge pack right when you begin and that is it! It's a lifestyle change; not a fad diet. Beachbody is not all about weight loss, they promote healthy living, and want you to succeed.  The #1 reason why I joined was the support. There is an unbelievable support system through the whole community, from your coach, fellow challengers, the community on the site. It never ends, if you are struggling someone is there to pick you up.

What's this Beachbody Challenge?

My job as your coach is to work with you one on one, helping you to achieve your fitness goals. Every month I ran closed online accountability groups. You decide on a fitness program, I can help you narrow them down if you would like & tell you what I think based on your goals you are looking to achieve but at the end, it is your call. I will plug in daily to give you motivation, support, recipes, tips, and anything you would like to go over. You will take before & after's (yes I know something we all dread) but it is something you will want to do, because you want a comparison from beginning to the end. YOU MUST CHECK IN DAILY! This is something that tends to get pushed off and people think just because they read the post they are participating. It only takes 5 minutes makes to stop in and tell us how your day is going, what went well, what you are struggling with, etc. Did you get your workout in , what your Shakeology recipe was, your meals for the day. 

beachbody challenge
I have found that after joining the Beachbody Challenge, the support and accountability is what was missing for me to succeed on a daily basis. Every day I would wake up excited to workout, make a new shakeology recipe, and check in with my challenge group. WHY? Because I did not want to fail & I know my fellow challengers were pushing play everyday so why shouldn't I? You can have the workouts, you can eat healthy, but if you don't have the support to lift you up when you are struggling will you continue? I know I didn't...if I had a bad day I wouldn't workout. Or if  wasn't seeing results I would get down on myself and give up. This worked for me and why wouldn't I share it with everyone else if it could help?
What more could you ask for? You purchase a challenge pack of YOUR choice. You get the nutrition guide, schedule of workouts, and you get to KEEP the program FOREVER. Plus you get total access to me as YOUR COACH and all the accountability/support in the world.
Are YOU ready to take the challenge?
Are YOU ready to take control of your life?
Are YOU ready to get fit and healthy?
If so, please take a moment to fill out my challenge application for my upcoming May 19th challenge group.
I promise this will be the best decision you ever made
Weight Loss Journey 
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