Saturday, December 21, 2013

All You Need Is A Little P90X3

Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. TO YOU! It's time for celebration, cheer, and good time with family and friends. But let's face it the holidays are probably the hardest if you are trying to lose weight. If you love working out and eating clean 80% of the time there are still those holiday goodie temptations. Even if you come up with a game plan for the holidays, sometimes it is really hard to stick with it. You don't want to throw away your hard work, but the snickerdoodles just keep staring at you. To be honest, it's okay to have a treat and enjoy, it is your choice and you should enjoy the holidays. Don't make yourself miserable debating on having a cookie or not.

P90X3: 30 minutes a day
I am so excited I bought myself an EARLY Christmas present! Yes, ME! I bought myself something and that usually never happens. I love giving to the ones I love. But I decided to give myself a little something this Christmas go-around. P90X3 the newest workout from Mr. Tony Horton himself!! Now, this may turn you off a little if anyone has or has tried the original P90X. You all no the workouts are at least an hour long (maybe longer) but really who has an hour for a workout? I tried it for about a month and quit. Yes, I quit for a few reasons. 1. Tony Horton just couldn't keep my attention. 2. I love to lift weights but, it was just too slow for me. 3. I didn't have time for hour long workouts. I work early so for me to have enough time to get my workout in and get ready for work before leaving, this would require me to get up at 3:30am. I was exhausting myself and I wasn't even enjoying my workout. Can you honestly tell me you can take an hour out of your day to workout?  It's hard. Life gets in the way, we have everyday normal errands to run, a house to clean, chores to get done, and the list goes on and on.

Well ladies and gents it is finally here!!!! And I have to tell you every single minute and hour for days I was tracking when it would get here. I was loving T-25; getting a workout in with the results I wanted in twenty-five minutes, but I needed a change up. I was like a little kid on Christmas Eve when it got here. I purposly slept in and skipped my workout in the am, so I could come home from work and try this bad boy out. T-25 was extreme cardio but there was not many weight lifting exercises. I was definatly loosing my muscle strength and muscles.
P90X3 is offically P90X cut in HALF. Thirty minutes a day for six days a week. You have no excuses now not to get a good workout in.
The base kit includes 16 workouts so you are never going to get bored.Everything from cardio to strength, pilates, yoga and MMX there is something for everyone!  You may think P90X is a little extreme for you, but there is a modifier which will help you throughout the program. And even the modifier will still help you get great results.

What is it that you get?? Well, the P90X3 challenge pack is on sale the whole month of December if purchased through me. You will get me as your coach, receive an exclusive p90x3 baseball cap, free shipping, and a chance to win $500 for submitting your before & after photos. 

You can now purchase P90x3 challenge pack for intro price of $180. After December 31st it will go up to a retail price of $205. You are going to get the full 90 day program, the nutrition guide, schedule of workouts, program guide, shakeology, a free 30 day trial of the club membership, free shipping, and the discounted price!!! 

Or is you don't wantShakeology and don't think it's a good fit for you , just the program of $119 plus shipping & handling. 

You have a few days to get your own p90x3 before the price goes up! If you are interested send me and email: and in the subject line put p90x3 information (lately thigs have been going in the spam folder, and I want to make sure I  am getting them!) you officially have one week!!! 



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