Monday, December 16, 2013

Make A Fresh Start


Can you believe the end of the year is near us? The year 2013 has flown by in a blink of the eye and let me ask you.....did you stick to your New Year's Resolution? Did you workout like you wanted? Start eating healthier? Be the best possible person you can be? If you didn't stick to your resolution, why not?

Why is it that we vow each year to make it better. To come up with a game plan and stick to it. And then the New Year comes and we stick to the plan for two weeks....two weeks?!?! What is it that makes us stop? Are you sick and tired, of feeling sick and tired? Or promising yourself you will be the best you can be and not following through or even failing?

So how can the year 2014 be YOUR year for success? How can you set a resolution and stick to it....?
1. Create goals: set your BIG New Year's Resolution goal and then break it down into smaller monthly ones.
2. Write them down: writing them down changes your whole mindset. Writing them down makes them more real than just saying them to yourself.
3. Accountability Partner: find someone to share your goals with. Tell each goal you have set for yourself & when you want to reach them. Set a time to check in with them, whether it is everyday or once a week. You will help keep eachother accountable.
4. Push Forward: once you have your goals set it's GO TIME! Get focused, get driven, and getting ready to crush them!
The #1 reason WHY people fail is because they choose too. They just say they are going to achieve a goal, but they never really do the work that should get them there. They believe that just saying they will drop fifteen pounds, that it is just going to happen. It certainly does not work like that, or don't you think everyone would set goals??
So, here is WHY 2014 is going to be the best yet and there is no stopping you. Two words....accountability group. This is a closed online support group. Everyday you will plug in & check in daily with the group, but on top of that you will receive motivation, tips, recipes, and everything you need to succeed and reach your goals...ANNND even better stick to them.
I am going to teach you how working out from home is just a little better (in my opinion) than the gym. And how this can be an everyday lifestyle. This is no fad diet or "quick" fix. You will have to put in the work, by working out daily & replacing one meal a day with Shakeology. We will first work together to find your perfect challenge pack (your FULL workout program + a month supply of Shakeology HD). Along with a 30 day club membership, free shipping, me as your coach, and a chance to win $500!!!!
Message me here so we can discuss programs & shakeology or fill out the application form to be considered for this exclusive test group.
Get rid of the excuses. Start creating your success story. And feel better than ever because you deserve nothing but the best!!
Claim your spot for the January 13th group!
First come, first serve.

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