Thursday, March 20, 2014

Getting Comfortable = Worst Thing You Can Do

How many of us have hit a goal; whatever it may be and we it hit? We get so excited and happy that we worked hard and we achieved it. We want to be proud and brag to everyone around. First, if you have hit your goal...Congratulations! You earned it and you should be proud. But what happens when we do hit this goal, we start to slowly back off & give ourselves some slack. And before you know it we are just getting to comfortable.

fitness tip
You don't want to get too comfortable and let your results go. What determines our success and the results we get....YOU are. You are in control of how hard you push yourself and work. The food choices you make. And if you will hinder your results. You have the choice to decide what goal you want to hit, and when you want to hit it by.
Once you see results, I always tell my challengers to celebrate, but celebrate in a way without food. Go buy a new workout outfit, get a maincure/pedicure (for the girls), treat yourself to a massage, plan a trip...anything you want it to be.
But the more you stay comfortable with your results and where you are now, the more you are hurting yourself. You will not change yourself & you will have to start all over. One bad week can ruin all your hard work.
Set a goal and make it public. Never stop pushing yourself. Find a success partner who will push you to meet your goals. Surround yourself with positive uplifting people. It is so easy to get comfortable and stay inside your comfort zone, but if you stop stepping outside of your comfort zone you are never going to go. You are going to become content with where you are and not push harder to your ability. You should never stop dreaming and setting goals.
STEP OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE! Look to dream bigger. Do not get comfortable. For awhile there I was staying inside of my comfort zone. I stopped reading my personal development which ultimately effected how I thought about every second through out the day. You hit a goal and you slack, you have a piece of candy (here & there), you start picking at food (when you know you shouldn't), maybe slack off in your workouts, or in your business have you stopped asking people to join your team/challenges? You live and you learn, but you have to remember this is your life and you are in control. No one can do it for you, you have to wait it bad enough to get it!!!

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