Saturday, March 8, 2014

Friday Night @ 4348 Hemlock Circle

I have officially been a home owner for four months. It is still crazy to think that I have moved out and have something to call "my" own. I know it may seem crazy and most people are usually out on their own after college, but I didn't do that. I decided to stay at home with my parents and save money. I have always been the saver and the one who always got anxious when I had to break the bank open (no joke). But, I made it happen!

I am extremely proud of myself for taking this big step and starting down a new road. But let's just make sure you know how my situation is. I live here with myself, my boyfriend (Eric), Dexter (my kitty), and Bubba (Siberian Husky). I am the only girl living with all boys. It can be a handful, but I wouldn't change it for the world. The fur babies can not be in the house at the same time unless : A.) One of us is holding Bubba on the leash or B.) Dexter is upstairs with the door shut. It is a total adjustment because they were both used to being the only pet. They are both curious, but just not yet. And the reason for that is because Eric's and my schedules are completely opposite. I work your normal M-F; 7-3:30. He is a bar manager at the Springfield Grille here in Cranberry, PA. So his hours and days are all over the place.

Fast forward to now....Eric is starting a new job on Monday. A job where he will be home for dinner and it won't just be me and the fur babies. A job where we will get to spend weekends together and I won't have to stress about evening out my time with both pets because I'm just a sucker and want them both to feel loved.

Eric got home from work a little after 8PM tonight. Bubba & I were sitting on the couch and Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. When they were talking about breakfast. Eric literally walked in the door and went to put a pair of sweatpants on when I said , "I wish we had pancakes." He asked if I really wanted them, and even though I said no I really really did. I am not sure why, but I have been craving pancakes for awhile. And of course I kept nagging saying how I really wanted them and he could go get some before he heads to work tomorrow. He has to be there early so I knew he wasn't going to go, but it did in fact get him to go tonight ...... I may have planned that one. But he will never know :) He came home and he thought I wanted them for the morning and NOPE I wanted them as a snack (weird right) I started to make them well, let's just say I am not the best pancake maker, ORRRRR did I plan it so Eric came to the kitchen, saw what I was doing & laughed. And then took over?!

So my night & Bubba's consisted of taking a nap first (because I have been feeling under the weather), next we cooked dinner, read a little; while Bubba was outside, and then Eric came home. And I'm not sure if he is thrilled or not to be home with us on the weekends, but someone had to let him know what he is in for. The kiddies and I have a routine during the week & weekend. We have been doing this for four months, so it will be an adjustment....for all of us.

But Bubba and I got a lot of things done but I'm not sure if Eric knows what he is getting himself into next week. Someone has to prep him and make sure he is prepared right? We have two demanding boys and I hate to admit it but I could be a little demanding at times too. I am random, such a spur of the moment kind of person when it comes to food.

 Luckily, bless his heart (he has to deal with me) he went out to Giant Eagle and bought pancake mix. He thought I was going to eat them for breakfast, but my little self got up and proceeded to the kitchen to get a move on so I could eat. He was talking to his sister on the phone when I just started laughing & saying I don't think I am meant to make pancakes.

WHY? you may start to ask. Yes, I know they aren't really that hard to make, but I was so hungry I totally did not read that I had to fill it up with water to the line. I added way to much water and when I shook the mix there wasn't enough room for it all to mix. So, when I started to pour in the pan they were watered down, some still had the powder on. Eric came in the kitchen and just shook his head. And proceeded to take over...I'm sure at this point all he wanted to do was relax, but he cooked me pancakes!! And he is probably thinking, what in the world am I doing. haha

totally random, spur of the moment Friday night here at 4348. I'm not sure if he is ready for spending every Friday night / weekends with me. Because honestly, it is all up in the air with what you'll get..

What is on our agenda next week?? Not sure, you'll have to check back then!

**ps the pancakes were delish and I loved every moment of eating them. he's the best

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