Sunday, April 28, 2013

Why it is important to find your "SOULMATE" workout

Have you ever bought a workout program because someone saw fantasic results? Have you bought a new workut program and you were really excited to start and kick your butt in gear. And then three weeks later you find yourself quitting?? You are not alone. You just have yet to find your soulmate workout.

A soulmate workout...what is that?? It is not as crazy as you think. Think about how many times you have said to yourself, you are going to workout and you are going to stick with it? Probably one too many if you are reading this post. And that is okay, we all have been there. We all start something and get into it for a few weeks because it's new and then fall off the wagon. But, if you find your soulmate workout then I promise you, you will stick with it, and love it.

Week 5 DONE.
If you have been following my workout journey you know I have started P90X and I just finished week 5. The first few weeks were intense as any new workout program is. I loved it because it challenged me and made me push myself. But, last week I was a struggle for me to get out of bed every time my alarm went off. I would get up, go downstairs, and push play. But, when I started working out it wasn't until thirty minutes in that I found myself actually getting into it 100%. I would find myself wondering around and asking myself is it over yet. This is NOT how a workout should be. I am not the type to workout and not enjoy it. I am not giving my all and they just are not fun anymore. I know I promised I would not quit, but I truly value having fun in my workouts and giving myself something to look forward to every morning.

At this time, I can just not complete P90X. I need to do a workout program that I love, something that I can just not wait to get up in the morning, throw on my workout clothes, and get moving. P90x just does not do that for me and I guess you can say I "failed" at my first attempt. But, I am okay with my decision, I have to stay true to myself.

 So... what's next you ask?? Tomorrow I have decided to start Turbofire- The 5day Inferno Plan. This is a meal plan and workout plan you follow for five days to get max results & a jumpstart on your weight loss. You should follow this plan exactly the way it is laid out, but there are some things I can not eat so I am making the adjustments to fit my needs. I will be switching out the meals I can not eat, for meals I can. I will follow the workout plan exactly as mapped out. Here is what my next 5 days of workouts look like:

Day 1: Fire 55 EZ Class/Stretch 10
Day 2: Fire 45 Class/Hiit 20 Class/Stretch 10
Day 3: Fire 55 EZ Class/Stretch 10
Day 4: Fire 45 Class/Hiit 20 Class/Stretch 10
Day 5: Fire 55 EZ Class/Stretch 10
After, the Inferno Plan is done, I plan on going back to where my weight loss journey all began...ChaLean Extreme & Clean Eating!!
This was the first workout I ever started and completed 100% giving it my all. It is a mixture of weight lifting and a little bit of cardio added. I honestly believe it is so important to love your workouts. If you don't like your workouts what is going to make you jump out of bed in the morning? What will make you excited for what is to come the next day? What is going to push you to the max? If you love your workouts you will follow the schedule day in and day out, AND get the results you are looking for. I strongly believe this is where I am suppose to be!
Are you reading this post & thinking to yourself this is me? Have you every tried P90X, Insanity, or any other workout programs and you just could not get through it because you didn't enjoy what you were doing?? I have been there and I know what it is like! Let me help you find your Soulmate workout. A program that makes you excited, that challenges you, and is fun! Not every program is the same and not every program is designed for everyone. Find something you enjoy and will see results for!!! Join my next 60 day Challenge Group which is starting May 6th. Give me 60 days giving your all in a program you LOVE and I'll give you the Fit Four(th). Get the max results & me as your FREE coach.


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