Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 4: P90X-30 days down

Ever watch the late night infomercials and P90X comes up? Did you know P90X is one of theeee TOP programs from Beachbody The explain the program, how it helps you shed fat, it gives you an idea of what the program will make you do, & how you can purchase it for 3 easy payments! But, as that commercial is going on do you find yourself saying, "I don't think I can do that." Well I am here to tell you, that you can do this program. Believe me, I let this program sit on my shelf for months, and every time I went to start the program I always talked myself out of it. Telling myself it was too tough, mentally challenging, any & every excuse I could give myself to not start the program. Until one day, I just said let's tackle it. And I am already done with month 1.

Week 4 Schedule:
Day1- Yoga X
Day2- Core Synergistics
Day3-Kenpo X
Day4- X Stretch
Day5- Cardio X
Day6-Yoga X
It is all about recovery this week. The first three weeks were intense. You were doing hard resistance training and lifting weights. Since doing the lean phase, every rep was 12-15 unless Tony told you otherwise. I lifted to my max and pushed myself harder than every imagined. When I was done with my workouts my arms and legs were shaking. Truthfully- I wanted to give up the first week. It wasn't fast pace, cardio like I was use too. I am use to high intense interval training. This is the exact opposite, and it doesn't help either when you are getting up at 4:30am & Tony Horton isn't too motivating. Don't get me wrong-he can be motivating but in his own way. It was an adjustment & like I said I wanted to quit the first week, but once I start something I have to finish. If I gave up, I would have never forgiven myself.
So, how do I feel about P90X? I absolutely LOVE it. I am so glad I have decided to stick with it. I feel so great about myself. I am getting stronger-physically & mentally. I am lifting heavier weights week by week. Starting off with cardio workouts it was hard to breathe throughout. And now I feel like I have full lung capacity, I don't dread cardio. I look forward to my morning workouts now that I have been pushing myself to get up before work and get it done. Working out is the last time I want to do after coming home from a long day of work. The one thing I just wish I could change about P90X is the hour long workouts.
I have never been a calorie counter in my life. And I still don't count my calories, but I have found it easier for me to just write down the old fashion way (pen & paper) everything I eat for the day. If I slip up and have something not on my meal plan, then I still write it down. It makes me aware of what I eat and to cut back. One thing I do NOT go without during these workouts are my Quest Bars & Chocolate Shakeology. They are lifesavers and so yummy! Right after my workout I go up and pick my flavor quest bar to hold me over til breakfast and then it is shakeology. I know I am burning more calories with the program so I add in a couple extra calories and the Quest bar is perfect.
What's on the game plan for this week?? It is back to lifting and pushing to my limits. I am mentally prepared and ready to get a moving. I am ready to lift heavier & burn those extra calories. I plan on sticking to my meal plan 100% and not going off track. How do I stay on track??
*Prep & plan my meals for the week.
*Make sure to look at my schedule & already have the DVD in the player.
*Make sure my workout clothes are out & right next to my bed.
*Set my alarm & write myself a motivating message to get me jumped started.
Sometimes, you just need to do whatever you have to, to set yourself up for success. There are no excuses if you are committing to yourself.
If you are ready to start your new journey or just want a little more information, now is the time to contact me!

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