Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Can you believe April is almost over!?!?!? This month has seriously just flown by. It feels like I was just making my  New Year's Resolutions and then ringing in the year 2013 like it was yesterday and really it was 4 months ago.

In my March Fit Fest Challenge group, they have just hit their 30 day mark. What does that mean? They have committed to making a positive step to reaching their health & fitness goals. And they are already one month in! It takes 21 days to create a habit so these ladies are well on their way to reaching their goals they have made for themselves. Today, I told them to think about how far they have come in this last month from where they were when they started on Day 1. They are now in their workout routine, have had time to adjust, and figure out what works for them so far. When anyone starts a new workout routine they are so focused on how much weight that they to lose. Everyone has a weight loss goal, but when you workout, eat right, & you just don't see that "perfect" number on the scale you get frustrated right? You get discouraged, you throw in the towel? I am guilty of it.

But today, in our challenge group I wanted them to shout out- loud & proud one of their non scale victories! What is a non scale victory? It is something, NOT involving the number on the scale -easy enough. Something along the lines of how your clothes fit, your energy level, your confidence level. The sky is the limit. I told them to be proud of everything they have accomplished so far. These girls have worked their butt off and everyone deserves to know their hard work. I have challengers losing WHOLE inches off their bodies, having more energy, feeling overall healthier, clothes fit looser, and even getting compliments.

Who doesn't love a good non scale victory?! I know I do and I am so glad I get to share all this with you! So, since it has just been an overall AMAZING day, it is time to get down to business for why you are really here reading this!!! I have some April Deals for YOU, along with Beachbody's DEAL OF THE MONTH!!

Are you ready? Is it time for you to get into your Bikini and for you to feel confident? Do you need a lifestyle change and not just a quick fix? Any health goal you have for yourself is not going to come at a quick fix and that is okay, you just have to be okay with it and ready to make a healthy commitment. I am here to help you, support you, and get you motivated. I will NOT give up on you!!!
**First, the Insanity Challenge Pack is now on sale for $180. This is AWESOME because it usually is $205. You are already saving on a challenge pack-so why not save more!! This is for the whole month of April. And you want to act NOW, because there is one week left. This is a 60 day program, perfect to help get you in shape for summertime. The challenge pack includes your workout program, shakeology (home direct), and me as your online health coach. Sign up here for your Free Membership and then ask me how to get your deal.
**Next, the first 5 NEW customers who purchase Shakeology HD  will receive their choice from any of the bonus DVDs below. Just a little something extra for you! And join my May 6th- 30 Day Clean Eating & Shakeology Group.
** Purchase your choice of any challenge pack. Your workout program & shakeology home direct all at a discount price. You will receive $10 CASH BACK. You can then join my May 6th- Summer Slimdown Challenge. Get that extra accountability you need to be in the best shape of your life.
**Lastly, sign up to be a new coach on my team w/your purchase of a challenge pack and receive $25 CASH BACK!! Not only do you get the challenge pack discounted, you get your $39.95 coach fee waived, free shipping,  & 25% discount off future purchases . Whether you choose to be a discount coach or work the business. And just in time to enroll in our next coach camp! Learn from the best and grow!! (6 Days Left)
The year 2013 has already started off with a BANG and there is no stopping NOW! If you are ready to get fit, get healthy, help others, or whatever you are looking to accomplish than you don't want to miss these giveaways! You have until the month of April is over and they go away. What do you have to lose??
Sign up for a free membership or message me if you have any questions about these deals!  
You just :
**must be a new customer
**must create a free membership through me
**every order must be on home direct


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