Tuesday, April 7, 2015

21 Day Fix Challenger Success Story

Seriously can I give an AMAZZZZZZZING shout out to one of my fabulous challengers.
I met this challenger through IG. We connected, she reached out to me. She actually already had the 21 day fix & asked to join my next challenge. She did this on her own and is now doing the fix again in the challenge group. But this is her FIRST ROUND RESULTS!!!!
When she posted this picture in our group, I was seriously jumping for JOY!!!!
Here is what she had to say -
"Alrighty ladies, today was my first and only weigh in of my first 21 Day fix! Throughout the three weeks I stuck strictly to the nutritional plan, did the workouts EVERY day (with running added in 3-4 times a week in the final weeks) and cut out all alcohol.

I was super nervous about posting this, but with the encouragement of
Lynsey and the inspiration of you ladies I know that I can do it!

...So three weeks later, and 9 pounds lighter, I'm feeling AMAZING!!! I cannot wait to continue the program today and work until I reach and maintain my goals! I hope this inspires you guys and helps you realize that YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I'm on cloud nine and am going to float it all the way downstairs to complete my workout!"
1 Round of the 21 Day Fix

I then had the chance to interview her on the program -

1. What made you decide to do the 21 day fix?
 I was very unhappy, not only with my body, but with my lifestyle. I was constantly tired and not motivated in any way to work out. When I did work out, it was hard to find the motivation to push myself without an outside influence. So really I was just not going anywhere fast.

2. What did you expect from joining a challenge group?
By joining the group, I was hoping to find motivation through other peoples success, and honestly, their struggle as well. I do much better when being held accountable opposed to having to hold myself accountable. I was also looking forward to the encouragement through people who were going through the same exact process that I was and could truly understand my struggles. I'm also very much a people person and love to surround myself with people of similar passions! Positivity and drive are contagious!

3. Did you have any reservations about joining?
I didn't have any reservations, to be honest. I was very excited!

4. What did you struggle with before starting your journey?
My biggest struggle was nutrition and alcohol. A large part of my social life revolves around going out to eat and out on the weekends. Starting meant changing my entire lifestyle, both professional, personal and social. I knew it was going to be a challenge to figure out alternate activities that didn't involve unhealthy habits! I knew that if I got my nutrition on track and began to see changes that I would be driven to push on through with my new lifestyle.

  5. What are 3 things that you learned about yourself?
One thing that I learned about myself was that I was eating WAY too much food. It took only a few days for my body to regulate to the amount and type of food that I was consuming. I realized after a few days of moderation, that with healthier foods I became a lot more full with a lot less (which seems silly and common sense, but it really didn't click until I experienced it first hand!). Another thing I learned about myself was that I really enjoyed making new and healthy meals! Planning out my food for the next day (I did a day by day basis) was one of my favorite parts of my day. A third thing that I learned was that I could have a social life without eating out and drinking alcohol. But that doesn't mean that I cut my social life out of my life. Instead I went out without drinking and was far more particular when choosing what I was eating when I was out to eat. I was truly excited to continue my social life, just with some healthy alterations.

  6. What is your honest opinion about the 21 day fix?
My honest opinion is that it is awesome and is everything that I had hoped for. It outlines everything you need to do while still allowing room for creativity. By creativity I don't mean just with recipes and food, but also with the workouts.My brain was trained that there was a work out every day, so adding a run or the ab fix on top of it, seemed like nothing! It is seriously a program made for the long haul, in that the nutritional plan and and workouts can be continued far further than 21 days!

7. What goals did you set for yourself and did you reach them?
I didn't set any numerical goals. All I truly wanted was to create a healthier lifestyle, stick to the workouts and start to treat my body better. Long longggg term goal is to run a half marathon!

8. Tell us your stats!
I didn't measure inches, but I lost 9 pounds! I was really excited I chose to not weigh myself throughout the process, hoping to focus less on the numbers and instead more on my physical and psychological progress.

9. If you could tell anyone ANYTHING who is currently hesitant about getting the 21 day fix & joining a group what would it be?
If you commit to it, you will see results. Plain and simple! If you want to change your lifestyle to a healthier one, the 21 day fix is a GREAT program!

  10. What's your next step & where do you go from here?
From here, I'm continuing the program! I started the program over yesterday! Sticking to the meal plan and am excited to see how far I can push my body.

- 3 weeks
- 30 minute workouts
- Colored food containers to portion out your food
- The decision to try, is all it takes!!
Are you ready to get started?
If you are take a few minutes to fill out the application  below!

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