Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What Do Those Colored Containers Mean??

If you've been following me on any social media platform, you've probably seen my food in colored containers. But have you ever thought to yourself...what exactly do they mean?

Well I'm here to tell ya!

I've been following the 21 day fix for a whole now, not so strictly, but I do still use the containers. They were created by the amazing trainer Autumn Calabrese. It teaches you proper portion control. Did you know you could over eat on healthy foods too? Next time your trying to lose those last 5-10 pounds check your portions. 

This program really does work! Let's find out what fits in each!!

6 colored containers -

💚 is for your veggies 
❤️ is for your protein
💛 is for your carbs
💜 is for your fruits
💙 is for your healthy fats
✴️ is for your seeds, oils, and dressings
along w/ teaspoons (the number varies depending on your calorie intake)

There are a list of foods that count for each group. The first 1/3 is the very best for you. You are able to still have anything on the list, she just made it to show which are the most nutrient dense. If it fits in the container you can have it. 

Feel free to make your meals exciting. We were just talking about this in my current challenge group. They only can have 3 greens and they were going to use one for lettuce, but wanted to add loads of veggies & also likes a veggie for dinner. So, how do they do that? Use one green container for lettuce and your second container with mixed veggies.

You do this for three weeks & follow the meal plan, watch your results.

Have you tried the 21 day fix? If so, what did you think of it. What were your results. And of course some of your favorite recipes I'm always looking to add new ones!

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