Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Time management


Lately, I have been getting a lot of questions about how do I manage my time. How do I feel like there are enough hours in the day. Or even how do you juggle every single thing you have going on in your life? 

The answer? Time Management with a to-do list

Ever hear of a to-do list? Of course you have. We all "try" to use one but you have to ask yourself..are you truly using it right and giving 100% perfect effort on each task, just one task at a time? Is there a certain time of the day where you make your list, every single day, at the same time? Probably not.

If you are anything like me, I really struggled with time management. I always felt like I had a million things to do, but there was never enough time to get it all done.  I always felt like this !

Looking for Time

Is this you? Do you feel this way?

I use to have a million things to do. I would find myself starting one task, then it would either get to hard or I'd get distracted. I would go on Facebook or any social media site and just surf. I wasn't doing anything but wasting precious time. I would have half a task complete, take a break, and start another. (Setting a lightbulb off for some people?) I would also, start something get a little tired and lay down to rest/take a nap. Or, I would say well my shows are on so after they are over. These are just some of the excuses I would give myself.

You can't give yourself excuses and expect to have everything done. You can't multi-task and expect it to be perfect. Don't anticipate getting distracted and having all the time in the world.

Truth is everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. But it is how we use those hours that makes us feel accomplished.

So, how do I balance taking care of my health, working full time, aworking a beachbody biz, spending time with family/friends/boyfriend, taking care of my kitty (Dexter), & whatever gets thrown my way. (I know it seems like a lot)

This is where my to do list comes in and lots of sacrificing comes in.

First, I want you to take out a sheet of paper and start fresh on a new day. So if the day is almost over start tomorrow. Write down everything that you do throughout the day w/ how much time you spend on each. From the time you wake up until bed. This is really going to help us learn where your time is going and where you need to cut back.

1. Make a To-do list: you have to start somewhere. Find a time that works for you. I tend to write my list right before bed. That way when I wake up in the morning it is staring at me in the face. If you know you have a dinner date with your significant other write that down too with a time that way you know nothing else can happen.

2. Set specific times to go with list: so when I write out my list I start from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. What hour I will be awake and so forth. Giving yourself a specific time really puts it into perspective that you really don't have time to do something else. I write down from 6:30 am- 5 pm working full time job. This includes the commute to and from plus the eight hour work day. And during that time I give 100% focus.

3. Make sacrifices: since you only have 24 hours in the day you really need to talk to yourself and see where all your time is going. (This goes back to the exercise I asked you to do right before giving my tips) So, take your list and really look at how you are spending your day. Are you truly giving each task 100% effort? Or are you seeing yourself taking breaks to check Facebook  or watch your tv shows? Be honest because this is going to help you. If you are finding you are spending more time on social media sites, watching tv, taking naps, whatever you do on a daily basis- it's time to kick yourself in the butt and give something up. I don't mean you can never do these things again, but you are gonna have to give it up for a bit. Or write it on your to do list,"once I finish my first to-do I give myself 20 minutes to do ----(fill in the blank) but I suggest just getting your list done and out of the way, that way once it's done the day is yours. Get up early, go to bed later, do what you need to do, to get the job done.

4. Have self discipline: I know this one is hard. And I really struggled with this and most people might. But once you figure out how to tackle this all the above will become habit and so much easier. Remind yourself everything you have to do that day. Look at your list, make copies & have it somewhere you'll always see, set alarm reminders to yourself to check you progress, tell someone to hold you accountable. Whatever you have to do just do it because this is going to help you stay on track.

5. Check mark when you complete a task: once you complete a task make sure you cross off, check mark, (anything you want) that task. I can not tell you have much relief and how much better I feel knowing I have one less task to complete.

So for me every night before bed I wrote my to do list. It helps me think clearly and makes me feel a little better knowing I am going to bed but starting my day brand new. Some people may like to wake up first thing in the am with a clear head and say , "okay what do I have to do today?" Whatever is going to work best for you. You know how your life is and the best way to handle it.

But that also means you can spend hours on social media sites like Pinterest just pinning random boards, or Facebook just watching your news feed not really doing anything, or watching endless hours of tv/favorite tv shows. They made DVR & on demand for a reason. Believe me when I say it, I use to be like this and now I barely ever watch my shows when they are scheduled. I always watch then on repeat and it's usually three weeks later so I have a bunch of episodes to watch. And if I do watch a scheduled show its on my list and make sure everything is done before then!

Like I said before, everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. BUT it is how we use those hours that makes the difference.

Try these tips out and let me know what works and doesn't work for you. And if something doesn't work and added something let me know so I can try it out!

Hope this helps!!! xoxo


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