Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Count your blessings

Happiness, Thankful

As I was sitting here tonight thinking about what my next blog post was going to be, I was at a loss for words. I just could not come up with a topic. I remember talking to a fellow friend of mine one day and she said the best blog posts come from when you don't think to hard, just write whatever is in your mind at that moment and go with it. So here it goes....

I stopped worrying about what it was going to be, and just took a moment to sit back and reflect on my day. Do you ever really stop for a second, clear your head, and really think about your day? Not all the bad stuff, the things that make you stressed out, traffic if you have any, or the people that just really make you mad. But the stuff that actually happened, the good things, the new people you met, maybe you went on an adventure, spoke to an old friend you really have not spoken to in a while...yeah those kinds of things. 

Enjoy the moment
 I really gave myself a chance to do that actually for the first time in a while, as I was trying to come up with a blog topic. For the past thirty-five days and five more to go I have been doing some personal development with Rick Warren - The Purpose Driven Life. If you are looking for something new and searching for a meaning in life, this is something you should check out and follow. You will not regret it. Every day I am listening to something new and one thing or another always catches my eye.

But the whole purpose behind this post is, it is time to stop just for five minutes. Take some time for yourself and count your blessings. I truly believe this is such an important part of everyone's daily life, that too often we over look. Because I too get caught up in the day to day life.   I am always on the go that last night when I sitting in my living room just relaxing I started to think of every blessing in my life. It started to warm my heart <3.

Blessing #1: Waking up each morning. Now some people probably have not thought about this but waking up each day is a blessing in its self. God has given you another day to do something great. You are here for a reason.

Blessing #2: A roof over my head (lucky my parents haven't kicked me out yet). It seems so silly but there are people out there who are homeless and do not have this simple luxury we have.

Blessing #3: A loving/supportive family. My family has/will always be my top priority in life. They are my biggest critics and best fans. We may have our difference at times, but the bond we have is unbreakable.

Blessing #4: My friends. They are always there for me no matter what, whatever I may need. We may not always see or talk to eachother as often as we'd like or as we are use too, but when we get together it is like nothing has changed. I can always coined on them.

Blessing #5: Eric John (boyfriend). This fella and I go way back. Back when I was sixteen working at good old Max & Ernas. We dated and of course had to grow up a little bit. He moved away and I was off in college.  Then he decided to come back just for me (kidding of course) . I can always count on him and when I need to just let go & vent about something bothering me he's always there. 

Blessing #6: Dexter (my baby). I was never a cat lover, dogs were always my animal. But I am so lucky I went into Seahorse when I did and found my little guy. He seriously melts my heart as is such a momma's boy. Whenever I have a crazy/spastic day coming home and seeing him makes it all better. 

Blessing #7: A full time job. It may not be exactly what I want to do (even though I am still trying to figure that out) but it is a job. It pays my bills, and allows me to save money. Some people are out there looking each and every day.

My blessings list could go on and on. And I could probably write 3-4 pages. The whole point of this post is we go through days and we only think of the stressful  and bad things throughout the day. Think about it, you know it's true. I am the exact same way. Taking a moment each day to sit back and reflect on the positive things in your life will do your soul good. It will warm your heart and put a smile on your face. Thank God for another day of being alive, another day to live your life. :) 


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