Thursday, August 22, 2013

T25 Challengers Success Story

Shaun T, 5 days a week

I met Cindy through Facebook and one day we started talking. We started talking about how active she was on her own with working out, going on bike rides, & hikes. Then one day she was curious about Shakeology. What it was, how it worked, etc. She wanted to try it first before committing to a 30 day supply. I sent her the packets. She tried it out but it was making her jittery. I worked with her and told her to reduce her serving to 1/2 scoop instead of full, that still didn't work- so we stopped for a while.

Then, a few months ago Cindy contacted me again and this time she wanted to know about Turbofire and try the new Vanilla flavor. I sent her the packets and she was ready to sign up. Then the newest fitness program T25 by Mr. Shaun T himself sparked her interest. She purchased and decided to join my exclusive Find your focus: T25 challenge group. Seven weeks in and she is still going strong!!


Check out Cindy's success Story:
"When Alyssa contacted me over a week ago to share my story I was honored! The days have continued to pass (over a week now) and I just couldn't fid the words. Here is my story...

I am 52 years old and extremely active even before I started with Shakeology as the T-25 Challenge Group. Many years ago I developed several health issues led me to Alternative medicine and a healthy lifestyle. I have been eating healthy, exercising, and meditating daily for approximately 15 years.

Before this challenge my daily exercise routine was either walking, hiking, or heading to the gym to use the treadmill and weight training. Weekends consisted of mountain bike rides or snowshoeing with my husband depending on the season. I felt fit (I thought) and in good health. It has been hard to maintain, or even come close, to my ideal weight...things had begun to just "hang" around. When I finally decided to sign up for the challenge group I was HOPING for a total weight loss of 5-7 pounds and to firm up my entire body, even just a little bit! Washboard abs would be icing on the cake! In the back of my mind though I wasn't expecting much because of my normal way of life...if I didn't have all this now how could T-25 and Shakeology possibly help, well it HAS! 


   Now for the good stuff .... the awesome T-25 challenge! Once I commit, I commit. I knew I would give 110% and hope that my goals of a few pounds and some toning would come to fruition! By the end of last week (week 6) I have lost 10 pounds, yes ... 10 pounds!!! My body is toning up and the strength in my core and legs is 10-fold!!! I have more energy, more stamina, more stability, more flexibility and an overall on-top-of-the-world feeling like I have never felt before.


  The shakes, the 5-6 small meals a day, the T-25 workouts, well it is all FABULOUS! I can’t wait for the next morning to come so I can push play and workout with Shaun-T for those fantastic, energizing 25 minutes. When the workouts are over I feel like I have just reached the moon!!! I am on Cloud 9 and ready to tackle anything that comes my way. I was always a positive person but now it is much more than that....words can’t even come close to describing my new-found attitude and outlook on life. I can’t wait to see myself by the end of week 10. I am sure I will have the results I only dreamed about before this challenge!!!!

    If you are reading this and have been contemplating if you should become a participant in Alyssa’s challenge group ... don’t debate it any longer! Sign up and I promise you ... you WILL be amazed to see where this journey takes you! You will feel empowered and alive like never before. Take it from me someone who thought she was fit but moaned and groaned on Day 1 like never before while working out at home. I have worked out with many DVDs through the years but nothing compares to these workouts and these results!"

These are Cindy's EXACT words when I asked her to write her story for me. She has been such an amazing challenger and dear friend who lives thousands of miles away, but I feel like I have known her forever! Her hard work and dedication alone has brough her to where she is today. She is already super active and to top it off she is working out every single morning with T-25, drinking shakeology once a day, clean eating, & checking in with the challenge group always being upbeat and positive. She is a cheerleader you want on your side!

I could not be anymore proud of you!!!

Were you inspired by Cindy's story that you want to be the next T-25 transformation? Contact me today to be a part of my next Challenge Group. Accountability, Support, Motivation, Clean Eating and Shakeology! This is all done from the comfort of your own home with a support system that is strictly online!

                                                Email Me!

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