Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week 4: Update & Progress- Les Mills Combat

Well it is offically here. Month one of Les Mills Combat is over!! Can you believe it. It really feels like I just started last week, anxious to get started, aching all over the place because I was using muscle groups I haven't in a while, and just ready to jump start my journey and get results. But it is true, if you want something you have to go and be willing to work for it. Don't go through life living say, "if only", tell yourself, "you will." If you tell yourself you will, it gives you more motivation to get started, to get moving, and stick to it.

So, how did Week 4 end up going? Truthfully, the whole week was a struggle. I have been so tired lately that it is a struggle to get up and moving out of bed. I get downstairs and my eyes are still trying to adjust to being awake fifteen minutes into working out. It is weird because it is not me, I don't usually struggle getting up and going downstairs- working out is like my sanity and I look forward to it everyday.

How did I do it? How do I get up bright and early even when I am struggling from long nights staying up and working? I'll let you in on a little secret...Energy & Endurance. This is an all natural pre-workout drink. A 1 or 2 scoops (max) into 4-8oz. of cold water, shake it up, and drink 15 minutes prior to working out. This sucker will kick in gear and you will feel like you have so much energy. It is not like a normal preworkout formula.  You do not crash after it wears off or you don't get that jittery feeling. This is my lifesaver and my go-to. It gets rid of all the excuses I have ever had. If you want to get the results, you have to put forth the effort.

Week 4-Schedule:
Monday- Combat 60
Tuesday- Warrior1: Upper Body & Core Attack
Wednesday- Combat 45
Thursday- Warrior2: Lower Body & Inner Warrior
Friday- Combat 60
Saturday- Warrior1: Upper Body & Core Attack

Woah baby is the words you can use to describe this string of workouts. I did up my weights and push myself harder, but man are my muscles feeling it. (In a good way, of course) The way I look at it is, if you aren't sore than what are you even doing!? You don't want to push yourself so hard that you injury yourself. But, if your lighting weights and you get to the max rep/time frame and you still believe you could continue then you aren't lifting heavy enough. These programs are designed for you to lift the max number of times as they are designed for you to get the results your looking for. 

I feel as though I always say this but I just love Combat!!! When I first got in back in January it was a whole different swing than turbofire and I wasn't too sure. But now that I'm on my second go around- I love how it makes me feel strong, you see results with muscles you never really thought you could have, (You picture them on your dream body) it is a great frustration workout because you are always kicking & punching, and the music just pumps you right up. I truly believe you have to find a workout you love, or what I like to call your "soulmate" workout. Something that is doesn't even seem like a workout to you. 

The week 4 overview?? Intense. Strong. Fierce. Bold. You may think all these words should & would turn you away, but don't just run away yet. You need something exciting , something to keep you going, and something new. Combat does this! And it is always keeping me on my toes. A move I couldn't do the week before, I know have mastered. 

Now week 5 may be a challenge but we are in this together!!!! I will be away Wednesday night to Saturday, 4th of July on Thursday, & a wedding on Saturday night- but I plan on keeping a game plan together and really sticking to it. Keep following my journey ! And if you have any questions at all feel free to shoot me an email at or connect with me on Facebook! 

~have a fantastic week~

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